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Note: For those of you who read this back in January you are familiar with the character Astrid, and wondering where she went. I thought it be fun if I changed the story to a Laxus x Reader, especially more fun for the person who is reading. If this if your 1st time reading Whispers in The Dark then completely disregard what I just said and enjoy :p

Your POV

10 years ago...

The young wizard laid weak and fatigue, your clothes ripped to shreads and hands bound tightly together. How long has it been. Days? Weeks? Months? It was hard to tell, your head was in a daze and it seemed as if the room was spinning. The ground was hard and felt like ice on your skin, your hips and thighs were severely bruised and your magic nearly depleted.

When will this nightmare end? You think to yourself as you hear voices in the distances. You struggle against the restraints with all your might when a voice startles you,

"Don't bother fighting it lass," One man pointed out and stumbled over his own shoe. "I used my Draining Magic on those restraints. The harder you struggle the more magic it zaps til POOF, you're just a lifeless shell." Another man chuckled and threw his bottle of sake aside.

A third quietly knelt down to spread your thighs with his knees and leaned forward, "Better not pass out on us again." The stench of alcohol on his breath made you cringe. He was close enough that you can distinctly see a jagged scar across his mouth when he bit down onto your neck with his vampire like teeth. You wanted to scream but couldn't find your voice, instead you throw your head forward bashing is against his skull.

WHACK! A hard slap across the face blurred your vision.

"What did we tell you, bitch, you struggle and get hurt." He spat in your face, "Now, be a good girl and obey."

I want to die. Please Baku-san, make this nightmare go away. Were your last thoughts before it felt as if you were lulled to sleep.

A week later..

Laxus's POV

Laxus sat next to the bed that the girl laid in. It's a miracle that she's alive.
He looked at the clock and sighed, how long have I been here? Laxus shifted his weight in the chair uncomfortable being stuck in the room with the girl, those fucking pigs. He clenched his hand into a fist and slammed it down onto the table. He could care less about girls, let alone people in general, but Laxus knew what those men did was wrong and needed to bleed for it. Bastards fled before we found the cabin, dammit!

The girl stirred and opened her eyes, she looks around and as soon as she looks up at Laxus she winces.

"Erm, what?" Her voice just above a whisper. "W-where am I..uhm why do I feel so weak?" Noticing her reaction to the sunlight behind him, Laxus leans over and closes the shades. Wow, he thought to himself as he looked into her eyes, Are they supposed to be that shade of red?

"Shit, sorry. Didn't mean to wake you." Laxus laid back in the chair and crossed his arms. "You're in the infirmary, glad you're awake (y/n). The moment your parents bod-" He paused and continued, "-the moment you were discovered missing a request was sent to Fairytail, myself and a few others went out to find you."

"S-slow down." (Y/n) struggles to sit up on her elbow. "Who are you? (Y/n)? A fairy's tail? Uhm.." A look of frustration crosses her face and lays back down on the pillow.

"I'm Laxus, now relax." He turned his head to the side as if to indicate he was confused. "(Y/n), that is your name, is it not? You were the girl in the description. " He stared at her funny and scoffed, "You mean to tell me you don't know your own name? How ridiculous."

"Oh. Yeah, I guess that would be my name. Uh, I don't remember anything," She stops to think and then frowns, "No..nothing. So what happened?"

Laxus glared down at (y/n) with anger in his eyes. Choosing his words wisely he sighs and softly speaks, "You... You were hurt. Pretty bad. But it's all going to be okay now. I promise you won't be harmed any longer." He leans forward as if to grab her hand but stops still uncomfortable with the whole situation, instead he reaches up and moves a strand of hair out of her face. "There, now get some rest."

"Ok. Right. Yeah." She mumbles. Laxus stands up and heads towards the door when he heard a quiet voice, "Laxus" she spoke, "Please stay with me a little longer. I-I feel at ease when you're here...please don't go." He didn't know if it was the request that made him stop or the sweet soothing sound of her voice that beckoned him to stay.

"Fuck." He uttered under his breath. Whatever the reason was Laxus decided he wouldn't go, for now. "Sure, I'll stay." He sat back down in the chair and crossed his arms again. "When you're feeling better you should consider joining that 'fairy's tail' I was talking about earlier," teasing he continues, "It's a guild where wizards come together to take jobs and hone their skill." Laxus grinned.

(Y/n) nods and utters something inaudible, she reaches out to hold Laxus's hand and closes her eyes.

Whispers In The Dark. (FairyTail: Laxus x Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt