Chapter 2

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Earlier that day...

Your POV

Man, Master Makarov was pissed. Taking the final drag from your cigarette you sigh and toss it aside. You lick your lips and savor the taste of nicotine that's driven your addiction. Stepping out from the shadows you wince at the sunlight and take out your (f/c) parasol (a/n, similar to an umbrella.)

"It's so bright out here, I don't know how the others can stand it." Taking out another cigarette you were just about to light it when you hear crying in your head.

My heart. It hurts. Please come back Peppa, please. Someone make this pain go away.

"Sounds like a little girl this time." You frown and disappear.

Little Girl's POV

The tears overflow from the poor girl's eyes.

"It's not fair, Peppa why did you have to go!" She brings her hands up to her face and hovers over the little grave that mother and father dug earlier.

"Because all living creatures must die." A calming voice from a near by tree startles the girl. Out of the shadows emerges a woman carrying a parasol. Her face was hidden but the little girl could see a yellow tattoo on the woman's left rib cage. She recognized it. It was the mark that all FairyTail wizards carry.

"Y-you're from FairyTail, aren't you?" The girl sniffles and wipes her nose.

"Indeed I am." She could tell that the woman was smiling by the tone of her voice. "Your prayers have been answered." And approaches the girl.

Your POV

"M-my prayers?" The girl stands up and faces you.

"Indeed. You summoned me, your cries have been heard so I am here to make your nightmare go away." You stop just a few feet away from the girl and tilt the parasol to the side to allow her to see your face.

"You'll bring my parakeet back to life?" She perks up and smiles.

"No." You say flatly. "That kind of magic is forbidden."

"Oh... Then... What will you do?" She frowns again.

"You see I knew a boy once who lost his parakeet." You kneel down to her level and smile at her, "I took his pain away so it's just a memory now. If you would like, I shall do the same for you."

"What became of the boy?" She asks. You laugh warmly,

"He's a real man now. Brave and strong. Like you'll be." You bring your finger up to her forehead and press lightly. Your eyes glow red as you lull the girl into a tranquil sleep, she collapses into your arms, "it'll be a distant memory now." You whisper and begin to consume the girl's nightmare.

Later that night...

"Oh my word this cake is heaven!" Sitting in your kitchen you ravage the last of the chocolate cake Laxus bought for you a week ago. "He can be so sweet when he wants." You smile and lick the frosting off your finger tips and shudder in delight, "I should go apologize." The lights in the kitchen start to flutter, and go out.

Lifeless we suffer

"Not this again." You plug your ears.

Heartless we bleed

"Stop" you set your head down on the table.

Emotionless we feel

"Stop it!" The cupboards start to rattle

Breathless we scream

"Enough dammit!" Plates and bowls burst out from the cupboards and smash into the ground. "Enough with your backward riddles, I'm sick of them!" Try as you might the whispers continue which drove you mad. Curled up in the corner of the room you cover your ears to try and block out the noise.

*Knock, knock*

Is that knocking? No, they're deceiving me again. You start to sob uncontrollably.

*Knock, knock*

There it is again, what is that?

A door opens in the distance letting in a blast of light, just as quickly as their whispers started, they stopped. A new voice this time.

"You okay?"

Deep and masculine.

Calming and protective.

I know that voice. Laxus.

Reality comes back.

"Hey (y/n) can you hear me?" A warm hands wraps around your waits and pulls you to your feet.


"I ah-yeah I can hear you." You gaze up at him.

Thank you.

"You're not running a fever, are you?" He holds his large hand against your forehead. "You don't feel warm." He scowls at you, wrinkling the scar over his eye. "Don't tell me your upset from our fight before. You know I hate to see you cry." He grabs your hand and pulls you to the bedroom. "I know something that'll take care of all this..."

(A/N) If this chapter was a bit confusing, allow me to explain. As stated in Chapter 1's glossary the reader, ie you, eat the dreams of people to replenish magic. One of your abilities allow you to be aware of the pain and emotions of people within a certain mile (kilometer) radius. Once aware you use your magic to put them in a state of sleep to "eat" their pain in a form of dreams. Pretty cool huh? ;D Also, the voices you heard previously are your Shadow Puppets talking to you. Kinda annoying they are...anyway let me know what you think. Be on the look out for Chapter 3!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2015 ⏰

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