22:00 Formality, Finally, Fully

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[AN: Apologies for the late upload. Quite uninspired lately.]

Gulf's eyes were red and wet when Mew caught up with him. He panted heavily but he felt relieved that Gulf didn't flinch or push him away when he attempted to hug him.

A year of avoiding her and who would've thought he'd meet his aunt in this expo?

When Gulf saw her, he turned around instantly. Mew didn't even have the second to wai at her. It is difficult to find Gulf who runs away whenever he is faced by something he wants to avoid, so he followed him immediately. Fortunately, he found him at the end of the street, standing on a corner and clutching his chest.

"Tua Aeng, it's ok. I'm here." He whispered while patting Gulf's hair.

Earlier, they were acting naughty by spying on their friends. They were like teenagers being nosy for fun. Why did she have to show up here, right now? Mew forgot that her aunt is a busy businesswoman. He should've anticipated this.

His suit was getting wetter as Gulf sobbed, but he didn't mind. He didn't care that people were glancing at them as they passed. His lover needs him more than anything.

"Let's get you home, ok?" he whispered again.

Gulf had run straight up to Mew's room as soon as they arrived. He didn't utter a word all throughout their ride. It was surreal. When he forgave Mew a year ago, he decided to forget everything about his ugly childhood – including his so-called parents.

"I almost forgot how she looked like." Gulf's voice croaked as Mew entered the room and sat beside him. Mew held his shaking hand.

"I forgot that she's a businesswoman. I never thought she'd be here today. I'm sorry. We shouldn't have gone there."

Gulf shook his head. "It's not your fault. I forgot too. And I thought she's in Bangkok."

Mew sighed. "I thought so too. Honestly, she called me several months ago, and she asked me to help her speak with you. I avoided all of her calls after that."

Gulf nodded. He was glad Mew didn't connive with her or anything.

"Why would she want to talk? She abandoned me."

"To apologize." Mew breathed in. What his aunt told him still lingered in his mind. If he would decide for himself, he will not let Gulf talk to her, but who is he to decide? He's his boyfriend, yes, but also, he's just a nephew. He was also someone who once sought to be forgiven. Is it selfish for him to enjoy the perks of forgiveness while his aunt suffers too?

Gulf gave a mirthless laugh. "Apologize? All those years that she knows where I am..."

"I know." Mew agreed, but on the other hand, he was also surprised at how his aunt looked like. He heard that she's super busy so she must've plenty of money, however, her appearance told otherwise. She was thin and even with make-up, one can see the sunken eyes and pale complexion. He felt uncomfortable all of a sudden.

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