20:00 The Actual Thing

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[AN: There's so much disappointment going on in the fandom right now after episode aired. I'm one of them. However, I don't want to put too much blame as it would just reach MG. I don't want them to feel bad.]

Before Gulf knew it, he had finished one whole year of studying.

He applied at Bright's workplace for a bit of summer work. In the morning until noon, he does advanced studying at home. In the evening he's a waiter. In between, either he or Mew call each other for their 'lunch or dinner dates'.

On weekends they have virtual sex.

"I'll be out for a couple of weeks. My band will be having a tour and I might go back to Pattaya today for an upcoming weekend event." Bright said as he sat on their small couch while tuning his guitar. Gulf was at their mini kitchen cooking lunch.

As for Bright, his fame was continuously rising. After his front act, he was invited to other bars, until he and his band landed a TV guesting. The other day, he was proud to announce that they were asked to sing for a TV series' OST.

It paved the way for more income. Compared to their life in Pattaya, they can now eat more than thrice a day and even have more than a spare if they want to eat out or go somewhere. Bright even bought himself a new guitar and had upgraded his motorcycle. Gulf's salary was smaller, but Mew sends him some extra.

"Bring this to Mild, then." Gulf placed some fried food and rice on a separate container. "Tell him he should visit us here. And here, your band's packed lunch."

Although Bright and his band can afford to order fast food while they are on tour, they prefer Gulf's cooking. It was something Gulf had learned from spending too much time at the kitchen in Hour Glass.

"Then, I'll take this. Thanks." Bright gave him a hasty hug, before hurrying out and heading to his motorbike.

"Hoy! Are you sure you haven't forgotten anything?" Gulf shouted. 

The other day, when he thought Bright had left, he had another flirting session with Mew, and he was moaning all over the house before he heard the front door open. Bright had forgotten his keys and almost caught him.

"Uh! Everything's here." Bright tapped his tail bag. Gulf watched him go.

This was normal now. There will be weeks when Bright will be away. Although it was lonely at the house whenever there's a tour, he was more than happy for his friend. After all, it was his dream to be a singer since they were children.

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