10:00 Kana

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It looks like I've published ch11 first before 10 and it took me 4days to notice. Apparently, I'm so bad at math that I don't know how to count. 

Anyway, I apologize for the confusion. I usually put 4 chapters into drafts so my absent-minded brain must have clicked 11 instead of 10. BUT here's the thing, I remember uploading this and reading comments. Was it possible that I've unpublished this without remembering it? LMAO. I don't know anymore. So here, chapter 10.]

[AN: I'm so sorry if I made you sad in the previous chapter. Should I make you sadder huh?! Yeah, I think I will. /evillaugh.]

The last thing that Gulf needed right now was to see Mew.

Mew, who had just returned from the orphanage and had asked Tong to drop him off at the beach instead of back home, stood right in front of the town's office. He was walking around trying to clear his mind and somehow his feet brought him to this place.

He saw Gulf through the window and attempted to talk to him, but he stopped as he heard the staff's conversation.

"I guess that's really what you get from people who grew up without parents."

"Why is that my fault?"

His feelings of guilt, relief, and confusion still haven't settled completely in his mind when he saw Gulf coming out of the office with a disappointed look on his face.

They had a moment of staring at each other, both having flashes of the past.

Mew was remembering the day Kana arrived at their home, his excitement to be passing on toys and clothes for a relative, the laughter they had shared.

Gulf's mind was playing the days when Mew climbs up to his window after a night of biking, his bribe of snacks and pastries, the appreciation he gets whenever he gets praised for doing his homework or household chores.

And both remembered that night when Mew appeared in his room, angry; Gulf, scared.

"You little shit. I treated you like a real brother. All this time... You're fake!"
"W-why is that my fault?"

Gulf breathed again to calm himself, continued to walk away from the office, and did not acknowledge Mew despite having a staring moment with him. He quickened his pace as he passed by him, glancing at the tall tower clock of the town.

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