7:00 Volunteer

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[AN: Previous chapter: Gulf denied that he is Kana.]

"Are you sure about this P? You'll waste a few days of our vacation. You sure you don't want to go?"

Third and Singto were rolling their luggage out of the house. They were bound to spend half a week in Bangkok with Bright as their tour guide, but Mew opted to stay due to the fact that he's not feeling well.

"Yeah. Don't worry about me. I'll probably be fine by tomorrow. I just don't want to risk it." He said.

"Well if that's what you really want." Singto shrugged.

"Take care of Third, will you?" he told Singto. "And for fuck's sake, Third, don't roam around without telling anybody."

"I'm not a kid, P!" He stuck out his tongue. Meanwhile, Bright had arrived and helped them load their things on the trunk.

"We'll go now. If ever you feel like it, you can always follow. Bangkok isn't that far." Singto said.

So they left Mew at his house.

Truth be told, Mew isn't really sick, but he doesn't feel like going on a vacation right now. It may sound silly, but he just wants to lie on the bed and sleep. Now that Third and Singto left, suddenly, he wanted to come with them.

"I don't understand anymore." He grumbled, kicking a stone.

"Bothered with something?"

Uncle Tong got out, stood beside him and handed a glass of juice. They both looked at the garden. The village where Mew's house is, is set on one of the highest parts of Pattaya. This old house was built from his great-great-grandfather's era and was renovated when his parents married. From this view, they have a distant glimpse of the sea.

He wasn't really that old, but Mew called him uncle just because he's the son of their original caretaker who has now retired and is living at downtown Pattaya. He and Uncle Tong grew up together and is like an older brother to him.

"A bit bothered, yes." Mew admitted, turning the glass on his hand. "Remember Kana?"

"Yes. Up to now, I still wonder where he is?"

Kana disappeared after that night when Mew shouted at him and they only realized it in the morning. Angry at that time, Mew didn't feel an ounce of guilt and had to be reprimanded by his parents for him to realize what he did was wrong.

They needed the help of the police when after a full day they still haven't found Kana. His guilt as a teenager intensified when his and Kana's parents decided against reporting this on the orphanage in fear that they will be sanctioned.

The days turned into weeks, and they couldn't keep on looking for him. Being one of the oldest families in the village, they were friends with the police. Scared of being jailed, they had to keep Kana missing as a secret.

But Mew didn't give up. Until the day they had to migrate, he kept searching for him and even went as far as biking outside Pattaya's borders.

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