I nod, knowing every second we waste is one which we could be using to save Nya's life.

Kai readies himself, then smashes the window with the log. Glass shatters everywhere, and the resulting sound echoes through the night like a swear word from a three-year-old's lips.

There's silence for a moment, then a shout from inside.

Kai immediately unlocks the window through the hole he made, then shoves it upward and crawls through. I follow suit.

As I begin climbing through, Kai exclaims, "I thought you said this window led to the laundry room!"

"It...doesn't?" I ask, dropping down to the floor below.

"I have no idea where we are in the house," he fumes.

"Looks like a bedroom," I realize.

There's noise from the living room, and Kai and I both spring into action. He runs out of the room, making a right down the dark hall. Just as he does, a figure whizzes past him, identified only by rapid footsteps.

"You take care of him!" Kai yells after me, already intent on the living room.

"I – fine!" I head down the hall after the figure, then round a corner to see moonlight streaming in through a windowed door.

This must be the side door Homer referred to.

And the light of the moon reveals to me...

That I'm following Nya!

Oh my gosh! She's – she's okay!

"Nya!" I cry. "Wait!"

She doesn't pay attention, deftly unlocking the door and throwing it open. The force seems to upset her balance, and she stumbles off to the side before continuing in her trek toward the woods.

I shake off my surprise and sprint after her. I know I must be much faster, given that I'm training to be a police officer and all, but Nya's running scared. Adrenaline has her focused only on getting away from me.

"Nya!" I yell. "It's me, Jay! Don't run!"

She doesn't pay attention as I gain on her. Instead, she veers to the side, her stride uncoordinated. She trips and falls to the ground.

I skid to a stop right next to her, falling down beside her. I immediately run my hands over her face, ensuring myself that she's okay. However, she tries to wrestle away from me, obviously still wild from the ordeal she's just experienced.

I rack my brain for the right words to calm her down.

"It's me, Nya!" I pant. "Jay Walker! I pretended we were having kids today!"

Her struggle ceases, and her rapid breath puffs against me. "Jay? How...?"

"It doesn't matter right now. Oh my gosh, Nya. Are you okay?" I quickly trace my hands over her arms and torso, searching for injuries.

I find a gun in her palm, and my eyes widen. "What the – "

"I'm fine," she reassures me. "Just cuts and bruises and that kind of thing. I was cracked in the head one or two times." She inhales heavily, rising to a sitting position, dropping the gun in her lap, and pulling me into a hug.

"We're okay," I laugh slightly, wrapping her in my own arms. I want to squeeze her so tightly, but I know she probably wouldn't appreciate that if she's a little banged up.

"Cole's back at the cabin," she manages through her harsh breathing. "We have to go back for him. He's a victim, too."

"Cole?" I frown. "He's working with the police chief, Nya. How hard did you hit your head?"

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