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No, not condoms lol This was a request that took me forever. Sorry!
TW: u!Patton, murder attempt?

Roman wasn't entirely sure how he ended up there. Sitting on his other half's bed as he sobbed into him. Remus had tried to fight off Roman's grip until he broke down into tears and collapsed into his arms. Through the snot and tears, Remus was able to say why he had locked himself away. The others had been talking about him behind his back, but unfortunately for them, he had overheard their harsh comments. Sure, Remus knew that they didn't like him very much, but to hear the awful things they said? He couldn't take it. And his solution was to lock himself in his room and never leave so they'd forget he existed.

Creativity wanted to confront the others and stop the verbal abuse immediately. Remus begged for him not to until he conceded. Roman wouldn't confront the others about it, but he'd spend time with Remus everyday. He was going to prove to Remus just how wrong the others were. Remus definitely didn't have complaints about hanging out with Roman everyday. His mind was already reeling with ideas of what they could do. A few were sexual, but he shoved those aside with a faint blush on his cheeks.

The two halves of creativity got up to a lot of mischief in the Imagination. Sometimes when they were exhausted, they just watched movies. They watched Anastasia and Beetlejuice a lot. The more time they spent together the more they realized just how much they cared for each other. They often found themselves in each other's arms and secretly yearning for them. Neither of them believed their love could be reciprocated because ✨self-esteem issues✨ and it might make this fanfiction a little more interesting. Who knows?

Unfortunately, the moral trait began to notice Roman's disappearances and wanted to investigate. He went into the Imagination a while after Roman had gone in. He found Roman and Remus sitting near a waterfall. Roman's back against a tree with his arms around Remus who sat between his legs. Remus was happily chattering away about things that revolted Patton and made him shudder. Patton left when they got up and raced each other to the top of the waterfall, planning on jumping into the pool below.

That night, when everyone was asleep, Patton snuck into Remus' room and stood at his bedside. He had planned on telling Remus to stay away, but when he saw Roman lying in bed beside him, he wanted to do much more than that. His blood was boiling. He wanted to yell and scream. He wanted to hit Remus over and over. No, he wanted to kill Remus. It seemed to be the only way to purify Thomas' thoughts and protect the others' innocence. So, he grabbed one of the many pillows Remus had on his bed and held it down over the sleeping trait's face. When he woke up and began to struggle, he pressed more of his weight down to keep him in place. Remus kicked, fortunately waking Roman who was a very heavy sleeper.

"Wha...?" Roman groaned and rubbed his eyes. Sleep completely vanishing from his mind as he saw the silhouettes of Remus being smothered to death by Patton. "Patton, get off him!"

Roman shoved Patton away and threw the pillow away from Remus. Remus sucked in a breath that was interrupted by a sob. He curled up on his side and reached out for Roman, who had gotten off the bed. "What were you thinking, Patton!?"

"I'm trying to protect you-" That was all Roman needed to hear. He reared his fist back and sucker-punched Patton in the face. With Patton knocked out on the floor, Roman turned to Remus and scooped him up into his arms. He sat on the bed and rocked him side to side as Remus clung to him and sobbed.

"It's going to be okay. I'll never let him touch you again. I promise, Remus, I'll never leave your side."

That okay? Hopefully.

15:30 December 6, 2020

RemRom/RomRem Drabbles/Short StoriesWhere stories live. Discover now