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TW: injuries, talk of unsympathetic Patton and abuse

"Remus, this is serious!" Roman wanted to shout but stopped himself from doing so. Remus didn't deserve to be yelled at because Roman wasn't angry with him. Instead, he focused on the lacerations on his twin's side and back. They were dark purple, swollen, and tender. He studied them without touching them and whimpered quietly as he thought about how badly it must hurt. Remus stared at the floor with a steady stream of tears falling down his face. He was angry with himself but also relieved that Roman had walked in on him changing. He did but he also didn't want Roman to know of his injuries. Roman suddenly growled angrily and jumped back onto his feet, "Who did this to you, Re?"
Remus just turned his tear-stained face away from Roman and shoved his shirt back down to hide the injuries. He tried to walk away, but flinched and cowered away as Roman grabbed his arm. Remus whimpered, "Ro, please..."
"Who? And what did they do this with!? Some of the skin is broken too! It looks awful, Re!"
"It...was Patton... I was sayin' bad stuff while he was baking. He started to hit me with the rolling pin..." Remus sniffled and slapped a hand over his mouth as he sobbed. "It hurts, Ro-Ro!"
The princely trait narrowed his eyes and spun on his heel, ready to give Morality the same treatment. The duke grabbed onto his boyfriend, forcing him into a hug, "No! Please! Please, Roman, please...please..."
Roman took a deep breath and carefully wrapped his arms around Remus, "Okay... I won't. Let's get you patched up, yeah? Then we can watch whatever movies you want."
After patching up the bruises and cuts, they laid on Remus' bed together to watch cheesy, old, horror movies. Roman internally vowed to get his revenge someday... But for now, he'd stay with his secret boyfriend and tend to his every need.

20:54 May 26, 2020

RemRom/RomRem Drabbles/Short StoriesWhere stories live. Discover now