Always Here For You

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Wow, soooo hi... I forgot this existed tbh. Anywho, this was a request from like...forever ago... I am so sorry. But anyways, hopefully this is okay. It ends a little funky but all well.

The dark half of creativity flinched at the sound of his door opening, but he stayed where he was otherwise. Footsteps entered his room and walked around before stopping in front of the closet door. The door opened and dim light showed the trait sitting on the floor. He had his arms resting on his knees with his face buried into them. His head was pounding and limbs cramped from staying in one position. The other half of creativity knelt down and reached out towards him, "Remus, are you okay?"

Remus jerked away from Roman's hand, whining as pins and needles shot through his entire body. Roman moved to sit beside him inside the closet, "You know, the closet isn't that fun. I didn't think you'd ever want to be back in it."

Usually, Remus would've laughed, but he couldn't even smile at the joke today. It hurt too much. There was only silence for a few moments before Roman spoke again, "How long have you been in here, Re?"

"Just leave." Remus' voice came out raspy and cracked. Coughs racked his body and left him gasping for air. Roman wrapped his arms around Remus, pulling him into his lap. Remus felt too weak to fight him off and began to melt into the touch instead. Tears burned his eyes and slipped down the tear stains already on his face.

"Seriously, tell me, when was the last time you drank water or ate or even moved from here?"

"I don't know." Remus admitted, beginning to sob. "I needed help, but Jay didn't come back! It's Virgil all over again..."

"I'm so sorry." Roman held onto him tighter, feeling guilt weigh him down. Remus needed someone, but no one was here for him. "I should've come sooner. I won't even make up excuses. I should've been here. I should've always been here for you. I'm so, so sorry, Remus."

"Just don't leave me, please." Remus begged, looking up at Roman for the first time. Roman pressed a kiss to his forehead.

"I won't. I won't ever leave you again. I'll always be here for you, I promise."

17:17 October 19, 2020

RemRom/RomRem Drabbles/Short StoriesWhere stories live. Discover now