Remus Could Remember...

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Twice in one day??? Yeah, I got in a dark mood...
Angst. Like serious angst.
Tw: mentions of homophobia, major character death, suicide, cutting, overdosing, blood. Did I miss anything?
(I also posted this on my Tumblr.)

Remus could remember the day they met. They were only six. He had moved in next door and their parents wanted them to be friends. They had almost instantly connected, becoming inseparable. They protected each other from bullies all through school and seemed to rule the school together. He could also remember the day they kissed. Only fourteen and curious about their feelings towards each other. They soon became the biggest talk of the school. Everyone wanted to know about their relationship. They loved being the kings of the school. Unfortunately, homophobic parents drove the couple to run away at seventeen after being caught kissing. They had promised each other to always be together no matter what happened. That led to them getting married as soon as they had been able to. They lived in an apartment, worked, and found friends. They were happy.



Remus opened his eyes and smiled up at his lover. He looked ethereal in the moonlight streaming through the open window. Roman leaned down and pressed kisses to Remus' face, making him giggle. Roman smiled as he pulled away and rolled off his husband to lie beside him. He ran his fingers through Remus' hair and stared at him like he was staring into the heavens. It made Remus blush, but he couldn't help and stare at him the same way with a dazed smile on his face. Wrapping his arms around Roman, he pulled him closer and pressed their foreheads together. Roman held onto him tightly and whispered, "You're the best thing that ever happened to me, Remus."

"I'm lost without you." Remus hummed, both of them giggling at their cheesy but heartfelt sentiments.

"I love you more than life itself." Roman mumbled as he kissed his forehead.

"I love you too, my angelic prince." Remus finally got out, flustered even if it was the millionth time. They stayed on the hardwood floor, just cuddling and listening to the night-life of the outside. They shared a few sleepy kisses before giving in to the pull on their eyelids. Surely their dreams would be of each other.

Remus woke up to find his arms empty. His eyes stared at the wood he laid on. Stains were forever embedded into the dark wood. Ones he could never forget. Tears filled his eyes as he ran his fingers across the wood.

Remus could remember the day he lost the only one he could ever love. He came home from work, rambling out about how annoying people were. Eventually, he made his way to the bedroom. Remus could remember how Roman looked as he lie dead on the floor. The evening sun lighting every detail. His ghastly skin and glassy eyes that stared out the window. He had seen the beauty of the outside world as he faded away. His blood that spilled across the floor from his sliced neck. It was deep enough to bleed a lot but not enough to kill him instantly. He had wanted his death to be slow and painful because he thought he deserved it. One arm lay across his stomach while the other at the side of his head, still clutching the piece of mirror he'd used. The mirror was shattered across the floor, catching the sun and lighting up the room. The one thing Roman had pretended to love killed him in the end. His own reflection.

Remus' throat would be forever sore from the scream that escaped him.

Remus could remember how heavy Roman's limp body had been in his arms as he sobbed on the floor. As he tried pleading him back to life. His screams and cries eventually led to the police being called. He could remember how they questioned him endlessly as they forced him away from his other half. How they wouldn't listen as he begged to stay with Roman. How they treated him like a suspect. The M.E. finally stepping in out of pity and offering to call a friend.

The next couple of weeks had been a blur of tears, people repeating "my condolences" over and over, and funeral planning. Remus could remember every excruciating moment of the funeral and people pretending to care. He knew their friends were the only ones who actually cared, but they were so irritating. They constantly stared at him in pity and asked if he was okay like broken records. Remus couldn't stand it. Especially when they decided to take turns babysitting him, at least that's how Remus saw it.

It was a few days after the funeral before they allowed Remus to sleep in the apartment. He slept in the doorway of the bedroom the first night. Now, Remus refused to leave the blood-stained floor unless it was to grab something for his constant headache. Remus looked up from the floor finally and to the bottle of pills he brought in. He didn't even have to think much before he snatched it up and popped off the lid. The tears trapped in his eyes slipped down his face. He just couldn't handle it anymore. The agony he was in had weighed him down for too long. He felt weak. Slowly, he started to dry-swallow the pills one by one. Each with a reason as to why he loved Roman.

One. He was beautiful.

Two. He never hurt me.

Three. Four. He sang like an angel and could brighten my day no matter what.

Five. He was perfect to me.

Six. Seven. He sang while he cooked and danced as he cleaned.

Even when he felt sick and his throat hurt, Remus continued to force another pill down. The only thing that stopped Remus was the bottle being empty.

Remus could remember lying there until his sobs got so loud his friend turned babysitter came in to check on him. It wasn't until he started to lose consciousness did they realize something was seriously wrong. The hospital couldn't save him now, and Remus knew it.

Remus could remember every single moment he ever had with Roman. They were all that brought him peace in the end.

August 31, 2020 23:46  (Yeah, I forgot to do this on the last one...)

RemRom/RomRem Drabbles/Short StoriesWhere stories live. Discover now