Solution? Communication

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Technically this is Intruloroceit? I don't remember their ship name, but it's: Remus x Roman x Logan x Janus
TW: um crying, lack of communication?
Still working on part two to Cheater, I swear. Ends kinda weird, but I wasn't going to end it there originally so...

Roman understood. He was new to the relationship and a bit different from the others. It made sense that he wouldn't get all their traditions, jokes, and everything yet. And he was much too shy still to ask for things like cuddles, even when he really needed them. Though you might be thinking: Roman? Shy? Yep.

The creative trait stood up from his desk and stretched out his sore limbs. He'd been staring at paper for five hours with only a few lines of script to show for it. And he didn't even like it. With a frustrated growl, Roman crumpled up the paper and threw it in the overflowing trash. He really needed a break before he screamed. Maybe the others were free? Roman left his room and was relieved to see his boyfriends all on the couch in the living room. Janus and Logan were reading by each other with Remus draped across their laps. Logan looked up from his book and patted the couch beside him when he saw Roman. Roman slumped onto the couch, leaning against Logan. Remus nudged Roman's arms out of the way so his legs could rest across his lap. Roman could already feel his frustration and stress starting to dissolve.

"Janus, did you still wanna help me with dinner?" Patton came into the living room, smiling at the four on the couch. "I just finished up the dessert! I made sundae pie!"

"Oh, yes. Remus, let me up please." Janus put his book on the coffee table and followed Patton into the kitchen. Remus sat up for a moment on the other side of Logan before flopping back onto Logan and Roman's laps. This time, his head was on Roman's lap and Roman ran his fingers through his hair. A few minutes later, Logan shut his book and nudged Remus.

"I apologize, but my break is over. I have more work to finish up before dinner." Logan kissed their heads and went upstairs to his room. That left Remus snuggled up next to Roman. Roman held onto Remus and sighed in contentment. While he honestly wished to cuddle all of his partners, he definitely didn't mind holding just Remus. Remus shifted into his lap and rested his head against the crook of Roman's neck. They sat there for almost five minutes before Remus suddenly jerked up.

"I forgot I was going to help Virgil!" Remus pressed a kiss to Roman's cheek and scrambled upstairs. Roman sighed and stood up. Janus and Patton were only halfway through dinner, so there was no point in waiting down here. Roman went back to his room and locked his door behind him. Since he was in here, he mine as well try to get more work done, right? Roman sat at his desk and pulled out a new paper. He turned some music on from random musicals to hopefully help with inspiration. But he really wasn't in the mood for the cheery voices coming from his speaker. He continued to listen to it though, hoping it would help his mood. It didn't. Ten minutes later, Roman scribbled on the paper in frustration and turned off the music. A knock on his door startled him and soured his mood more.

"Dinner time, Roman!" Patton's cheery voice grated Roman's nerves, but he took a deep breath.

"I'm not hungry, Pat. I'd like to just stay in my room, please." Roman forced some happiness into his tone.

"Okay, if you're sure. Want me to make a plate for you for later?"

"No, thank you though." Roman sighed as he heard Patton walk away. Turning to his desk again, he dropped his head onto it. That spiked the ache that had faded somewhat from his body when he went downstairs. Now, everything hurt much more than before. Physically, emotionally, it all hurt. He was sore from hunching over his desk, his chest ached from loneliness, his fingers cramped, and his head hurt from the physical treatment of his body and stress that built up inside. The stress also churning his stomach and causing his loss of appetite. Tears soaked his face and the paper on the desk. He knew he was probably being dramatic as usual. There was an easy solution to the problem: talk to his partners. Still, he couldn't find the will to move. Even if he did, the words refused to come as his insecurities popped up. So, he cried alone at his desk until he drifted into a restless sleep.

16:31 July 27, 2021

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