Perfect Summer Day

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Soulmate AU

Thomas and Patton were busy burying Emile in the sand while Remy just laid beside their soulmate trying to get tan. Logan sat under the canopy with his nose buried in a mystery novel. Janus, Remus, and Virgil had started a water gun fight between each other and ran around the beach and lake screaming. Roman had reclined in one of their chairs to bask in the sun while listening to music. It was a perfect summer day at the lake. Almost.
Remus skidded to a stop in front of his soulmate and shot the rest of the water out at him. Roman screamed and tried jumping up. Except he fell out of the chair and tipped it over, getting covered in sand and losing his earbuds. Remus laughed so hard he began to roll on the ground. When Roman gathered his bearings, he jumped to his feet and stole Virgil's water gun. "You're on, Remus!"
Remus squealed and ran away. That started a game of tag between the two soulmates. They ran and squealed and tackled each other, only taking quick breaks to refill their guns. They were soaked and covered in sand from head to toe. Eventually, Remus ran out into the lake and Roman followed after him. Everyone else at the lake watched with laughs as Roman caught up and tackled Remus under the water. The two soulmates writhed around in the water, forgetting the guns and just trying to dunk the other. Until Roman claimed Remus was cheating by tickling him.
They headed back to shore with grins on their faces and sat down in the water so it barely came up to their chests. They leaned against each other and watched everything going on around them with content smiles. Remus' bony fingers traced the tattoo on Roman's side that indicated they were soulmates. Well, it was only part of it. Their soulmate tattoo was much bigger than most. They each had half an octopus on their backs that lined up when they stood together. The tentacles wrapped around to the front and held a different item over their stomachs. Remus had a sword and Roman a shield. The octopus even had a little crown. In their opinion, they had the best soulmate tattoo ever.
Roman looked over at his soulmate with a smile and leaned a little closer, "I love you."
"Love you too." Remus smiled back before pressing their lips together. It was soft and full of love. Until Remus smirked and grabbed Roman, dunking him under the water.
Now it was a perfect summer day at the lake.

20:29 June 1, 2020 Happy Pride Month!

(Ready for angst in the next fic?)

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