Chapter 1 - Guessing Games

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"Clarity, wait up!" J.J. said, running after me as I was walking to the elevator to go home after our lastest case.

"Hey J.J. what's up?" I asked.

"Got any plans for this evening?" She smirked, knowing I had nothing better to do than sit at home and watch Netfilx on my laptop, eating ice cream.

"Not really, why?" I asked nervously.

"We got one more!" She yelled to the team, who were gathering their things, getting ready to leave also.

"Alright! Jones is in the house!" Derek said, winking, which made me blush like crazy.

"Where is this house, and why am I in it?" I asked her again. Knowing J.J. and Derek, if they thought it was going to be fun, it must eitehr be a party or going out for drinks.

Rossi walked up to me and put an arm on my shoulder, "Don't worry, kid." he smiled. I let out a breath and smiled back. Rossi was like the Dad I never really had.

"Go get changed and I will pick you up! Wear that cute little teal shirt you bought when we went shopping last weekend, it's Reid's favorite color on you. Makes your red hair pop." She whispered. I glared at her at the mention of Reid and me together in the same context and the fact that she wanted me to wear his favorite shirt.

I had told J.J. about eleven and a half months ago that I was starting to have rather strong feelings for the good doctor. I was able to feel very at ease with his company in large groups, but when it was just the two of us, my words tending to get mixed up and my stomach would turn into a butterfly exibit. He made me smile a lot with his corny jokes. I had taken after him in playing jokes on Mr. Derek Morgan as well. We got a really good kick out of the fact that we had sucessfully switched Morgan's iPod with one that we had gotten and recorded nothing but the two of us screaming and making funny noises on every track. He only noticed it on the way home from a case in which at the time, both Reid and I pretended to be asleep. He later got us back, but it was still one of the many great laughs we had together.

"Clarity!" J.J. snapped her fingers, bringing me back to reality. I look at her and smiled at the thought that my best friend was trying her hardest to help me, but the fact was, I wasn't even sure Reid likes me that way. But I soon would find out.

"What? Oh, yeah. Sorry. I'll be ready when you get there." I said with a weak smile. She hugged me tight and pushed the elevator button for me. "See you soon!" She smirked. I had no idea what was in store for me in the next thirty minutes, but one thing was for sure, it was going to be interesting.

Walking to my car, I thought about all the things that they could possibly be planning to do. There wasn't a holiday today, well not an American holiday. It was October 26, the October Bank Holiday in Ireland, but other then that, I had nothing. I got into my car and started it, plugging in my iPod and putting on my current favorite song, "Blank Space" by Taylor swift and pulled out of the lot.

The drive home was fast, so I had more time to get ready. I ran straight for my bathroom and grabbed my curling wand and went to work on my hair. When I thought it was good enough I touched up my makeup and walked to my closet. First I grabbed the shirt that J.J. said I should wear, a pair of demin Capri pants, and flats.

I heard a knock at the door as I put on my watch. I smiled and ran to the door. When I opened it, no one was there. I stepped out a little looked to the left and right, but saw no one. I stepped forward and heard a piece of paper crumple under my feet. I looked down and picked it up. It was an envelope with my name written on the front.

"Thats weird." I thought. I went back into my house and closed the door behind me and walked to my couch, and opened it. It was a single piece of paper that said "I'm coming". I jumped when I heard another knock at the door. I yelled "Who's there!"

I let out a breath of relief when they replied "It's J.J., you ready?"

I threw the note into my clutch and ran to the door. Locking the door behind me I said "Yes, very."

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