Mimicking the behaviour of other diners, Sameer and Naina started nibbling on their food too. After unsuccessfully waiting for him to remark on the food or the venue for a couple of minutes, Naina asked him tentatively "Do you not like the food?"

He shrugged "It's fine." And then added sounding a little sardonic "At least no one will complain about the service being slow." Glancing around he went on "I am sure they pride themselves on their customers spending the most time in the queue and the least time at the table!"

Naina looked around the at the other patrons and then at him. Is he feeling out of place? Naina, what were you thinking bringing him here?! What had seemed like a very good idea while talking to her colleagues, now appeared to be gaffe.

Finding is hard to swallow the food, she put down the cutlery and leaned back in her chair with a glazed look. Noting her disheartened expression, he uttered feeling apologetic "Hey, don't worry... the food is good." She looked unconvinced "I know they don't use silverware here, but I really thought you would enjoy the food. It's really renowned... and I thought..." shaking her head dismally she added "I don't know what I was thinking..."

"Naina, the food is perfectly fine!" he rushed to assure her and then tried to explain his behaviour "I was just a little annoyed about the long wait and the crowd... but it's okay... seriously!" A small pause later, he remarked looking perplexed "And what made you think that I would want the cutlery to be made of silver?!"

His attempt to assuage her misgivings did not have the hoped-for effect. Her eyes were still clouded with anxiety as Naina muttered with a faraway look "That day, you had enjoyed a similar meal so much! So, when I heard of this place, it seemed like an obvious choice. Of course, it isn't that posh..."

As he mused over all their meeting of the last couple of weeks, Sameer drew a blank on when they had partaken a similar meal. Sounding confused, he asked, "Which meal are you talking about??"

She stayed quiet for some time and then smiled nostalgically "That day, you kept eating for a long time even after we couldn't eat another bite... it was so endearing watching you enjoying Indian food so much!" Suddenly she chuckled lightly as she reached a conclusion "It was probably reassuring too, that there was a part of you that had taste for some things Indian..."

Noting that he was still not following what she was talking about, Naina explained "Do you not remember that meal at the Main Palace with Nanaji? They had this very special Thali... it was a royal version served in silver plates. I have this memory of you relishing that meal so much!" Then looking unsure she added "At least, that's how I remember it. Maybe I am mistaken..." her voice trailed off.

At last Sameer realised what she was referring to! Some memories resurfaced of that languid lunch from the trip with his grandfather and her. His lips stretching in a smile, he exclaimed "Oh yes! I now remember. I had absolutely pigged out!"

Comprehension dawned and he understood why they were in that specific restaurant. She had wanted to recreate that experience for him, or maybe for both. He had completely missed the intent behind her choice and had instead done nothing but whinge!

His left hand immediately flew to his ear and he mouthed a "Sorry?" When she offered him just a perfunctory smile, he rushed on still holding his ear "Naina, I really am so sorry! I just did not put the two and two together... That memory had just slipped my mind." She muttered "It isn't about remembering that memory Sameer. I am disappointed that I didn't plan a meal that you could have enjoyed today."

"Hey, the food is good! I am loving it!" he tried to convince her, but she shook her head "You don't have to pretend. It's clear that you are not loving it here." Sameer took a deep breath and then admitted "You are right. I am not thrilled to be here, but it has nothing to do with the food. Or the cutlery! I suppose... I was hoping for a cosier place. It just doesn't have the feel for a romantic date, does it?"

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