12 | see yourself through my eyes

Start from the beginning

I couldn't believe my ears, nor my eyes. What exactly was going on? What about me did he love so much?



"You—" I swallowed, nervously.

"Love you?" Jungkook laughed, as if he couldn't believe himself either. "Yeah, I think I do." He nodded. "That's the only word that can accurately describe this crazy feeling. And I also know that you don't love me. Not yet, anyway. Guess, I really fucked up, huh?"

"I want to believe you—" I sucked in a shaky breathe. "I really do but I'm speechle—"
I gasped as Jungkook pressed his lips to my neck, somewhere I'd never even been kissed before.

No one had ever come close enough to do that to me but here he was, leaving a fiery trail of kiss after kiss, until it felt like my whole body was burning up under his touch.

I tried to push him off as he reached the first few buttons of my button down top, anxious about him seeing all that irritated, sensitive skin but he simply gave me a stern look before he held my wrists away from my body and continued to drag the fabric down my shoulders with his teeth, alternating the vulgar action with a lot of sweet, warm kisses placed onto my collarbone and shoulder.

"Let's see if my sensitive little baby has a sweet spot." He smirked, his hands pushing down my shirt completely as I instinctively tilted my neck to allow him more access.

"I-I'm not a baby." I struggled to speak properly, my voice unbelievably raspy as my hands reached to rest on his chest.

Jungkook continued to press closer, containing his exploration of my neck as he went over every single inch of my skin, kissing and sucking until my head was spinning. And then, all of a sudden, his lips brushed against the dip in my throat. I jumped, squealing as he teasingly licked the spot, grazing his teeth against the sensitive skin.

Jungkook grinned, his eyes shining with mischief. "Seems like I've finally found a weakness of yours, baby. Oh and by the way, I'm going to be babying you a lot. Get used to it."

"This isn't how you treat babies." I mumbled, touching my neck gently, looking at the subtle marks he'd left all over.

"Well, that statement—" Jungkook smoothed a thumb over a fresh hickey before moving to kiss me, "—of course excludes all the times I'm showing my love to you in a more...adult-like way." He chuckled as I blushed.

"Whatever. Get off me, you pervert." I tried to cover my chest as he shook his head, delicately pushing them to my sides again.

"Did I say I was done with you?"


"No, what?"

"No, you didn't." I elaborated slowly as Jungkook laughed.

"Next time I ask this, you say 'no, Jungkook', okay, my innocent little cupcake? I want to hear my name from your mouth." He kisses my cheek,

"Okay, um Jungkook. I guess." I shrugged, feeling slightly embarrassed.

Gosh, why did he have to be so attractive?

He was distracting me so badly that I was saying all kinds of dumb things and acting so docile, letting him have his way with me.

Even his lame nicknames didn't seem all that cringe.

"Okay, now take off your shirt." Jungkook bit his lip as I raised an eyebrow.

No! The fuck?

But did I listen to my brain? No.

As Jungkook looked into my eyes, as if asking for permission, I nodded as if in a daze, letting him completely undo my shirt and pull it out of my shorts.

A Touch Of Love | J.JK ✔️Where stories live. Discover now