1 | where it hurts the most

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"Choose who to fuck, marry or kill, Jungkook

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"Choose who to fuck, marry or kill, Jungkook. And also tell us why." Minjae, one of Jungkook's friends snickered as I rolled my eyes in frustration.

Everyday was the same. Jungkook and his friends would gather on the seats exactly behind me as they would play the most ridiculous games of Truth or Dare, Never Have I Ever, or Fuck, Marry Or Kill to pass their time as well as to entertain all the girls and boys that surrounded them, eager to get to know the most popular boys in our university.

Jungkook was basically a legend here. At just twenty, he'd already established himself as the CEO of a very popular gaming company and to add to his glowing academic and extracurricular records, he had the looks of a complete heartthrob.

He was the perfect guy, the ideal student and the Prince Charming that every girl in the university dreamt about.

If only his personality complimented his dreamy appearance as well.

"If reveal the reason behind your choices, it makes the game even more interesting." I remained lost in my thoughts as Minjae continued, smugly counting off three girls off his fingers.

I rolled my eyes. It was really a game to them. A game that I was so familiar with that I didn't even need to turn around and look in order to see the stupid smirks planted on Jungkook and his friends' faces.

"Ok, so listen up girls. Jeon Jungkook is about to get his question." Minjae hyped up the mini-crowd. "So Jungkook, would you fuck, marry, or kill...Somin, Dani or...Y/N?"

I froze.

As much as this was expected...because I was basically a butt of everyone's jokes in the university, I certainly didn't want to be included in particularly this group's games.

All of Jungkook's friends, including himself, had been blessed with incredible genetics. They had the perfect bodies, the best lifestyles and the most flawless faces and they were known for the way they ruthlessly insulted anybody who didn't meet those standards.

Anyone who wasn't liked by Jungkook or his friends was shoved aside from the social strata as if they had no individual personality of their own. And I knew that it was going to happen to me, because I knew who Jungkook was going to kill in this game.


The only reason I wasn't treated way worse was because the people didn't know about Jungkook bullying me in secret.

But now that he was going to label me as someone worthy of being killed, the next few months weren't going to be pleasant for me.

My blood went cold as Jungkook chuckled softly.

As if he knew what I was thinking. As if he was relishing the thought of destroying my self-esteem.

"You know what Minjae, lets keep it fuck, fuck and kill. I'm too young to marry." He spoke as the girls whined.

"As for the answer, I think you guys already know it. Fuck Somin and Dani because fucking hell they're hot!" He rasped, as if were really turned on by the idea of sleeping with the two of the hottest girls in Art Therapy.

"As for killing, of course it has to be Y/N, because one, she's boring and two, she's ugly."

Everyone booed and laughed behind my back as tears stung my eyes.

Even though I already knew the answer, even though I by no means considered myself pretty, even though I had already accepted that my face and my body wasn't made to attract, it still hurt being called ugly to my face.

It wasn't like Jungkook didn't know about me being there. I wasn't deaf, nor was I strong as I pretended to be.

I stared down at the iridescent droplet of water that was now seeping into the pages of my sketchbook, making the red marker bleed against the pale white paper and resisted to urge to bawl as my mind incomparably drew comparisons.

I didn't always look this bad.

Up until middle school, I had been a pretty decent looking girl...cute even according to some of my classmates but ever since I was diagnosed with Rosacea, life was never the same.

Nobody understood that it wasn't just acne. I spent my entire teenage trying to make people understand that it wasn't regular acne that would go away if I grew up or just a rash that would be cured with medication.

They never understood that this disease wasn't just marking my skin up, it was marking my soul, my confidence, my self-esteem and all the good things I felt about myself.

It was making me lose friends and it was making me lose faith in myself. Faith that I could ever see the faint morning blush on my cheeks ever again and faith that I could ever...ever look beautiful again.

And that's why Jungkook's remark hurt as much as it did.

It hit home.

And it hit hard.

I wouldn't really look this unappealing and revolting to the eye, if it wasn't for the smattering of the red spots and scars all over my face.

It was my biggest curse.

And my biggest weakness.

And Jungkook had just stabbed me where it hurt the most.

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