11 | getting a point across

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"I want you to sleep with me." I stared at Jungkook dumbfounded as he jumped into his bed, patting the space next to him while grinning shamelessly.

As beautiful as his room was and as inviting as his bed seemed, I couldn't help but overthink about the fact that I was alone with him and that if he wanted, he could even have me begging for his touch.

"You're out of your mind." I scoffed, my heart beating fast.

How could he say something like that so casually? Not to mention he looked absolutely irresistible dressed in his button down shirt with its top three buttons now undone.

"Yeah, I probably am." Jungkook chuckled, getting up from the bed and moving towards his closet to pick out a pair of clothes for me.

"Do you have any idea how much of a risk I'm taking just to spend one night with you?" He looked at me intently as he stopped right in front of me, leaning seductively against the door of his dorm room as he blocked my way out.

"If any of the professors find out that I brought back a girl to my dorm and that too at this time in the night...I'm done for." He shuddered, swiping a hand across his neck as I suppressed a laugh.

"That's such a lie. This can't be the first time you've brought a girl over." I exclaimed in disbelief. "You're definitely exaggera-"

"It is my first time." Jungkook cut me off, blinking at me solemnly, a small smile playing on his handsome face as his brown eyes bored into mine, reflecting the little specks of light from the open window.

"Ha, c-come on." I gulped, waving him off. "You don't need to lie to me about your past flings. I really don't care about these things, you kno-"

My eyes widened as Jungkook moved forward to press his lips against mine, his movements fierce and unapologetic as his mouth latched onto my lower lip, sucking and gently tugging, taking his sweet time.

I moaned into his mouth as he wrapped a hand around my neck, tilting my head for better access. Flushing with embarrassment, I tried to pull away but of course, that wasn't going to happen.

When it came down to the display of physical affection and intimacy, in our case, kissed, when had Jungkook ever let me have my way?

It was always him deciding how many times he wanted to kiss me and for how long. The only thing I was entitled to was to have a couple chances to catch my breath before he started to ravage my mouth like a starved beast again.

Closing my eyes, I focused on the feel of his moist, warm lips against mine, moving in a languorous sync as he slipped his tongue into my mouth, keeping our mouths together like it was as natural as breathing.

Once satisfied, he finally pulled back, smirking as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, his eyes clouded with an exciting darkness.

I took a moment to catch my breath as I realised that his clothes were balled up in my fists and that my chest was heaving as if I'd just run a marathon.

"Stop k-kissing me out of the blue like that." I tried to scold him but all that came out of my mouth was a soft, desperate plea.

"I wish I could do that too." Jungkook licked his lips. "But goddamn every time I want to knock some sense into you, I always end up wanting to opt for a way that's not just pleasurable for me but also gets the point across more effectively."

"You're getting no points across except for the fact that you're a dirty-minded pervert who needs excuses to slip his tongue down people's throats."

Jungkook scrunched his nose. "Doesn't sound too appealing when you put it like that." He shook his head. "But fuck me, if I don't want to do it again." He smirked goofily as I groaned.

"It's hard to believe that you've never brought someone here before." I mumbled, looking down at my hands.

"But I really haven't." Jungkook smiled fondly, his eyes searching mine. "I can't say that I'm a virg-"

"Yeah, I know." I cut him off, flustered. I didn't need any of this TMI. "Everyone knows that."

"They do?"


Moving away from him, I strolled towards the attached bathroom in his dorm. "Anyway, I can't stay here tonight. My parents will be really worried." I looked back to find Jungkook looking at me unblinkingly, his gaze unreadable. "Instead I'll treat you to an amazing lunch tomorrow." I offered cheerfully.

"That sounds fairly good but then, what do we do now?" I jumped as Jungkook hugged me from behind, nuzzling his cheek against mine, his chest rising and falling softly as he breathed me in, his eyes closed.

"Uhm, maybe you could help me out a little?" I bit my lip.

Jungkook's POV

Wow, this had to be the first time Y/N was asking something from me. I had to know what she wanted.

"If that help involves me, you and the bed then, I'm more than ready to help you." I winked, teasing her. I just couldn't help but enjoy the angry flush that decorated her cheeks every time I said something dirty.

"Jungkook, can you behave? It's already hard for me as it is." Y/N sighed and I nodded.

"Okay, sorry. How can I help you, my love?" I hugged her again. I smiled when she didn't object and just let me hold her close.

"I know I might be asking for too much-"

"Just ask, baby." I pressed a kiss onto her neck. I couldn't help it. To me, her scent was intoxicating.

"I need models."

"What?" I furrowed my brows. "I'm confused."

"The annual fashion show?" She prompted and I nodded.

"But aren't you not supposed to hire professional models for that?" I mumbled confused.

"Exactly." Y/N sighed. "But this year they want us to outsource the models, which means there's extra points for the designers like me if we hire amateurs and train them from the scratch to model for us."


"And I've been unable to do that. I don't have many connections as you know." She fidgeted, embarrassed. "And to you it might feel like I'm taking advantage of your company-"

I made an impatient noise. "Just say what you want me to do, Y/N. I'll do that."

Y/N bit her swollen lip as she seemed to contemplate asking for my help.

"I'm your boyfriend, Y/N. I deserve to know." I insisted.

"Uhm, I was wondering if you could ask the people working at your company to model for me." She looked at me hopefully. "You don't have to force them of course. I'll show you my rough designs and if they like them and want to wear them then..." She trailed off as I fished out my phone.

"How many people did you say you needed?"
Y/N looked at me stunned.

"That quick?" She whispered.
I smirked. "I might seem like a regular twenty year old, Y/N-ie. But I'm really not."


My eyes strayed to the bags of makeup and cosmetics neatly stacked on top of Jungkook's nightstand.

Clearly, that wasn't someone a normal student could afford, even if they had a huge allowance.

"I actually don't wear makeup." I mumbled shyly as Jungkook quickly sent a text on his phone before meeting my gaze again.


"But I was so desperate that I thought I was going to have to be a model myself. So...I wanted to get that foundation." I mumbled embarrassed, my cheeks burning. "My collection would've failed badly if I'd modelled looking the way I do."

Jungkook's jaw clenched.

"And what's wrong with the way you look?" He demanded. "You're so beautiful, Y/N. I thought we've discussed this before?"

"Jungkook, but-"

"Oh shut up, do I really need to show you how beautiful you are? Since you don't really seem to believe words alone?"

A Touch Of Love | J.JK ✔️Where stories live. Discover now