Part 29

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How's the song ~~

POV Continued//

After a few hours she finally woke up. Thanks to God for keeping her all good.

I entered into her room. She was leaning against the head of the bed. She is looking much more better than earlier when she was in coma.

"I brought you some porridge. Eat it while it is hot." I sat beside the her bed.

"Tae...Tae can you say those words again? I wanna hear while I'm in my good state." She mumbled holding my hand.

"Which words?" I pretended to be unknown. I knew she heard me when I said out all my feelings.

"Don't play please," she pouted.

"Y/n, just don't do like this again. You don't know how much scared I was!" I couldn't help hugging her tightly. I placed kisses on her forehead.

"Sorry to worry you. I promise I won't do this again." She replied patting my back to calm me down.

I fed her the porridge while she talked about the feelings she felt while she was in coma. I heard her patiently.

Some people always shows off that they're strong all the time. But actually there is a time when they're the most weakest one and they need care and love too. Today Y/n's state made me realise that she is strong enough to lead her life but she needs me to take care of her. I'll never leave her hand in her happiness or her worst.

I was in my own thoughts while watching Y/n sleeping peacefully holding my hand. She is weak and exhausted.

I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in," I slowly took my hand back.

"How's she?" Namjoon entered asking me.

"Good, you owe me an explanation." I cleared my throat.

"Before that someone wants to meet her."

My dad walked into the room.

"Dad!" I stood up.

"Shh! Keep your voice down. I want to see her." He whispered and came near to us.

"She is pretty even at her worst. You have a good taste, my son."

"Is it a time to discuss all this?" I said in a sarcastic tone.

"Ok, let her rest. Come outside with me." He said and went outside. I followed him out.

"How is your health?" I asked him.

"Pretty good. What flowers does she like?"

"Don't know. Why do you ask?" I rolled my hands above my chest.

"You should know about her every preference as you're dating her. Why don't you know?" He hit on my arm.

"Ouch! Dad," I groaned," please stop."

"I wonder if you guys have ever make out on bed properly. You're too useless to be an adult."

"Stop it already. You're too loud." I looked at the passers by who were giving us strange looks.

"I don't care. I want to see my grandchildren soon." He poked on my head.

"Don't do this. I am not a damn kid anymore." I groaned.

We kept arguing while Namjoon was laughing from a far.


Things went smoothly and Y/n got discharged. I took her home back. I moved in with her for the time being to take better care of her.

"I still don't like the idea of your staying in my apartment." She mumbled.

"Does it matter? I wanna stay with you and you can't say no." I replied while keeping my eyes on the road as I was driving.

"Fine! Do whatever you like! Take right and pull over there next to that building." She directed.

"Jimin works here?" I asked while parking the car.

"Nope. He owns that company." She snorted.

"Wait, are you still showing me that attitude for not letting you eat junk foods earlier in the morning?"

"What do you think?" She opened the door before I help her out and walked away.

"Wait!!" I locked my car and followed her.

"Morning Mam!" Everyone bowed as she entered into the building and walked passed them as if she is their boss.

"Wow, you hold a great influence here!" I said in a sarcastic tone.

She didn't reply and went for the VIP access elevator.

Finally we are standing before Jimin's office.

"Is he in?" She asked the lady at the reception.

"Nope. He will be here in any minutes, mam." 

She opened the door and went in as I kept following her.

"Why do you come here?" I heard Jimin's voice from the back.

"Owe an explanation." She coldly said and sat down on his desk chair. I pulled a chair before the desk and sat down.

"What explanation? Nothing more to explain. That was the only thing back then to link you with your dreams."

"You hid the truth although you knew that!" She screamed.

Y/n gave me some hints earlier. But I am a bit confused looking at her furious face.

"You wanted me to tell you the truth earlier so that you keep burning in the fire of revenge. Eventually Namjoon's dad was grateful enough to help you with your studies."

Why is it related to Namjoon's dad?

"What's going on?" I asked as I was totally confused.

"I don't want their favour. I just want my grandmother back. Can he give her back to me?"

"If he chose to save your grandma Namjoon would have been dead by now! Do you want that?"

"I don't know anything!" She cried out.

"Y/n!" I went to her and patted her back to calm her down. I wiped off her tears.

"Jimin, please tell me what happened?"

He told the whole story of grandma's will and the last letter she wrote. I couldn't hold up my tears let alone helping her out.

"It was my fault to keep it from you. But I wanted you to live for yourself. I have seen the days you've spent after her death. The heart break you've gone through was massive."

"I don't know. I trusted you the most in investigating her case but you...." She sobbed.

"I am so sorry just forgive me this once." Jimin bent down before her holding her hands into him.

It'll be lie if I say it didn't annoy me a bit. Why being so touchy?

"So sorry!" Jimin embraced her.

And this is crossing my border line.

"Y/n, let's go home it's your medicine time." I pulled the chair back.

Jimin stared at me in a confused look. I ignored.

"Umm," she wiped her tears and stood up.

"Take proper care of yourself. Don't overwork." She said to Jimin.

Humph. He is not some toddler that he can't take care of himself.

"Let's go." I held her hand and pulled her outside.

"You too!" He said.

"She's got me." I replied before she could answer and increased my speed.

Sorry for the late update. Did you like that Mr. Jealous Taetae?💜💜💜💜💜 Yay.... BTS won a lot of awards in MMA 2020.😇😊

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