Part 10

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"Mr. Kim, I am done with my homework." I said as soon as I finished the last equation.

"Hmm," he only made a slight sound.

Mr. Moody is back to his cold character. I was overthinking everything before.

"I am going upstairs then," I got up, picked up my books and copies from the table and headed towards the stairs.

At that mean time my phone rang.

"Yo!Park Jimin, what made you remember me twice at this time of night?"

"I forgot my house keys in your bag, sweetheart," he said.

"Oh! And when did you put it in my bag?"

"The time you went to brought marshmallows. I usually loses my keys. So I keep it in your bag." He said like a 5 year old kid explains his mistake to his mommy.

"Okay, let me check." I went upstairs and checked my bag and found his keys.

"Yeah, it was in my bag, then?"

"I am on my way. Just come outside your house to give me or you want me to come inside?" He smirked.

"No need, I am coming outside," I sighed at his all time cheerful character.

I ended the call and grabbed my jacket. I tiptoed to the main door. Don't know why? Maybe Mr. Kim will make a drama out of this or something.

He is not still here. So kept strolling round and round before my  house.

Park Jimin made a ghost entry on his bike without any sound that made me scream the hell out of me.

"Jerk!" I said gasping on air.

"Such a scaredy cat," he smirked.

"Just shut up," I said throwing the keys on his face.

"Ouch," he faked a injury.

"Y/n, what happened? Are you alright?" Mr. Kim asked from inside and I heard the steps coming towards the door.

"Maybe your dad, I should take my leave, bye," he ran away on his bike after throwing a flying kiss.

"See ya," he disappeared in a mean while.

"Jerk," I said turning back to return to my room only to see Mr. Kim standing behind me.

"Why did you scream and why are you outside?"

"I needed some fresh air." I lied.

" Is that so? And the screaming?"

"I just felt something was behind me and I screamed," I said but I know he won't buy it so avoiding him is better.

"I am sleepy and going back to my room," I said yawning and getting inside. Forget to look back Y/n. I just stormed to my room once I got inside.

Next morning/

I got up, freshed up and wore my school uniform. I came downstairs only to find him making breakfast.

"Woah, Mr. Kim. When you will get married I am sure your wife will be the luckiest. Or already she's lucky?" I said . Well I don't know whether he's married or not.

No reply? Seriously? Great job! I quickly finished my breakfast and cleaned my dishes and headed towards the door.

"Y/n, let's go together." Mr. Kim said from his room.

"Okay," I rolled my eyes.

"Can you ride a bicycle?" He asked out of the blue.

"Hmm," I simply nodded.

"Then this is for you," he gestured me the other bicycle kept beside his.

"Wow, Mr. Kim, is this for me?" I jumped in joy.

"Indeed. Otherwise is there anyone else?"

"You're so cool, Mr. Kim," I said getting on the bicycle and paddling it. He also followed me in his cycle.

"Y/n, let's take the other way this time. You will have fun riding cycle on the other way," he implied.

"Okay," I kept paddling. It's been a while since I rode a cycle like this after my mom's death.

"Y/n , let's compete. Who can go their first?1...2....and...." I didn't let him finish his count and paddled faster before him.

"Hey, this is cheating," he completed but I kept paddling.

"Yeah, I am the winner." I said turning my head to him.

"Alright," he shrugged his shoulder only.

I balanced my speed and let my hands go of the handles and swung it on the morning breeze.

"Watch out, you may fell down."

In that mean time it started drizzling and soon it turned into a heavy rain. We took shelter before a music albums shop.

The shop was playing spring day inside. The music was so enjoyable with the rain.

Soon the rain stopped as we headed towards our school. It is a bit late but Mr. Kim saved me from any punishment.

Chapter Ends

So I am back.....with new update. I am so happy that my story crossed 1k+ readers in a very short time . Thank you all....

Any manga readers can also find my novel in manga toon.

"A kiss" by Scarlett (my pen name)

Love you all...sorry for short chapter actually.....

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