Chapter 11: What did you just call me?

Start from the beginning

He let out a sigh. "Do you want to go home?"

I nodded not wanting to speak.

"Fine. Let's go. I'll drop you" He offered to help me walk outside the building and I more than willingly accepted.

He put my left arm around his neck and wrapped his right arm around my waist and we walked together to the parking.

I did wince a couple of times for which I received a concerned look from Steven but he didn't say anything. We sat in his car and my stomach grumbled loudly as the car exited the parking lot. Guess who was hungry? I blush crept on my face when I saw Angel stealing a glance.

A few minutes passed and he pulled up to a McDonald's drive through.

"No, it's no need Angel. I mean Steven. We can directly go home." I said in a rush.

Stop calling him Angel, stupid girl.

"I am hungry." He interrupted instantly without looking bothered by how I kept addressing him.

He ordered two large burgers , large fries and two milkshakes. I just stared at him with my mouth open.

"What? I have a healthy appetite." He snorted. There was so much I wanted to say to his statement but I chose to keep quiet.

He kept on eating while driving without even asking me.

Okay. Okay. He asked me once but it won't hurt to offer a second time.

He had already finished the burger and was on his second milkshake. I was staring at him drooling at the food.

"You don't know what you are missing?" He said finishing the last french fry.

I know. I most definitely know.

I missed some junk food that looked mouth watering and that too when I was damn hungry.

I gave him an angry expression to which he chuckled.

Ugghh. Angel was being a devil right now.

"Here." He spoke extending his hand which was holding a 'bounty' bar.

I didn't respond. I already missed the burger and fries. Might as well miss this.

"I know you're hungry. Take it before I change my mind." He said with a serious look.

Without thinking further, I grabbed the bar. Within a second I ripped the packaging and took a big bite.

Mmmm... Heaven.

"Thanks." I mumbled.

"No problem chipmunk."

"What did you just call me?"

"What? Only you can give me nicknames? You called me Angel more than a couple of times. It's only fair that I give you a nickname too."

"So you called me chipmunk?"

"Well you eat like one." He said looking at me and puffed his cheeks to reiterate that I resembled a monkey while eating.

"Don't you ever call me tha........hey watch out Steven." I shouted on seeing a truck coming in our direction.

Steven immediately looked in front to see the vehicle coming towards us in high speed. He hurriedly steered the car in the other direction and we escaped the collision by a hair. He pressed the brakes immediately after we came to the side of the road.

"Oh my God. Are you are okay, Raina?" Steven asked gazing at me, checking my arms, knees and entire body for any signs of injury.

I was in a state of shock.

"I am so sorry. I wasn't paying attention. Are you hurt? Huh?"

I just shook my head.

"Thank God." He breathed a sigh of relief.

"That truck driver. How the hell was he driving? And that too in the wrong lane." He cursed looking at the rear view mirror only to find the truck gone.

"He's gone. Let's go from here." I said in a low tone.

"But how could he-? Should have noted his number plate."

"Please take me home." I said interrupting him.

Steven stared at me but I didn't look at him once. I guess he sensed that I was bothered.

"Relax, Raina." He finally spoke. "I am dropping you home. And I am going to drive slowly and carefully. Okay?"

On getting no affirmative response, he started the car and rest of the journey was spent in silence.

We reached my house in half an hour.

"Thanks for dropping me home Steven. See you" I said stepping out of the car in a hurry. I didn't want to there for a second.

"Wait." He said coming out of the car.

I stopped in my tracks hearing his voice.

"Is anyone else home?" He asked.

"I guess not. Sharon is in college and the house helps have an off day."

"Let me come with you."

"Steven, I'll be fine. You don't need to bother."

"No I insist. I promise I'll leave as soon as Sharon comes back home."

"Alright, let's go inside." I said giving up on the argument.

It's gonna be a long day.

Author's Note:

Hey Readers,

Please do vote and comment on the story if you like it. It'll be motivating for me to continue.🧡

Edit: Thank you for 500 reads.
Target - 3 likes on this chapter for next update.💫

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