Evil and Wicked

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Brielle POV

I know I just saw Harry maybe an hour or so ago, but I was worried about him and such. I don't want him to get hurt, so seeing him completely unscathed just lit my heart up in so many good feelings I felt my feet move quicker without me telling them too. I felt lighter and just ran to him, right past my brother yes. I'm glad he's not dead, doesn't mean I have to be happy with him all of a sudden.

I ignored my brother as he looked at me right as I ran right past him, right into Harry's comforting arms. I kinda jumped into it so his breathing took a quick hitch and he stepped back to catch my momentum with me all as he, without a question about my enthusiasm to see him, wrapped his arms around me and lovingly laughed some at my enthusiasm,

"Ello there ta ye too my love"

He said amongst his laughter. I giggled and took my head from nestling in his chest to look up at him with a big dorky smile and a childlike giggle,


I said like a complete idiot, what can I say? I'm a lovestruck idiot. He joined me in my idiotic giggling and tilted his head some at me,

"Judging by how happy ye are right now, can I safely assume that yer alright and not hurt in any way shape or form that I don't already know about?"

I nodded and tilted my head in the same direction as he did,

"How about you? I was worried"

I said, immediately feeling a lil bit bashful for being worried about someone that I maybe shouldn't be so worried about. I mean it's Harry, especially with a group he's practically invincible. Maybe I'm gushing... yeah I'm totally gushing I'll shut up now,

"I'm alright, yer brother nearly ripped meh face off but obviously that didn't happen so all is well. Audrey turned him into a literal beast"

My eyes widened just a little bit, it's a scary thought but obviously he's alright and such. But what did surprise me was that Audrey turned Ben into a beast, which must've been weird to witness. I nonetheless put both of my hands onto each of his cheeks to cup his jaw and did a visual scan,

"Yup, your face is there alright"

I said with a light giggle. Harry chuckled and leaned down to press his forehead against mine,

"I'm glad yer alright, I couldn't stop thinking about ya"

He whispered to me, absolutely making a pretty heavy blush creep onto my cheeks. Before I could say anything he leaned in and pulled me into him at the same time, suddenly he slid one hand behind my neck and began quickly kissing my face and even parts of my neck all over. I absolutely had to conceal a squeal because it all happened so quickly that's what normally happens when he does this. I was able to keep my squeal down to a squeak and erupted into contagious giggling. I couldn't say anything because I was too busy giggling like an absolute dork,


A shaky and sad yet also happy all at once voice spoke from behind me. Harry paused his kissing extravaganza, making me take a deep sigh of disappointment as I was really enjoying being showered in loving, tender, and passionate kisses. I of course I recognized my brother's voice and slowly turned my head to look at him. Mal had run to him for a hug, but Ben had been looking at me the whole time. I raised a brow at him,

"Hey Ben"

I said simply, trust me I don't want to be mad at him but this has been a long time coming. Ben sighed and parted from Mal and walked over to us, Harry slowly let his arms slip from sitting comfortably around me which allowed me to turn to face Ben. I noticed he had tears in his eyes, making me only soften up on the outside a little. He suddenly stepped towards me and engulfed me in a hug, one where I could practically feel him lean on me almost immediately. I furrowed my brow but hugged back nonetheless,

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