Old Friend

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Brielle POV

Even though I'm worried beyond belief, there's work to be done. I am so determined to get more VKs over here it's not even funny, the more we're denied by the council the more it fuels my determination and fresh off of a nap and with sleep nowhere in sight I might as well do something useful with my restless and worried brain. I marched back to my office and sat down, cracked my knuckles, and took a deep breath before putting my glasses back on and picking up my pen.

 I'm about to write the best rebuttals and points Auradon has ever seen.

Harry POV

I fiddled with Brielle's bracelet during the entire ride to the Isle. I didn't wanna tell her because I didn't wanna worry her but I'm a little scared to go back. I'm doing it for her, that's the only reason I agreed to this.

We rolled into a garage by the piers, one rather familiar to I. I got out and went to the familiar storm drain and simply listened. I could hear them from here, my old crew was on the other side of that storm drain. Ben walked up and stood next to me,

"What's down there?"

He asked. I sighed and shook my head,


I pivoted know my heels and walked away, I didn't really want anyone from the crew to see me besides Gil and maybe Uma. I'm honestly not sure if I want to see Uma though, she's probably mad that I left. I wish she would've been supportive, hell if she got an invite to Auradon and I didn't I would've wanted her to go. The more people out of this hell hole the merrier.

We snuck out of the garage and began making our way to the Core 4's hideout. It may be called a hideout, but even Uma knows where it is. There's not too much hide to the hideout.

I found myself automatically dropping back into Isle character, it felt weird but kinda homey. Sauntering and stalking about, glaring at everyone, watching your back, I'm used to this.

A group of children ran around us and snatched Evie's wallet from her pocket while another one shoved into her, why she brought her loaded wallet to the Isle I don't know, kinda thought she was smarter than that,


She yelled, grabbing both the children and pulling them back. Evie froze for a second before letting go,

"Just take it"

She quietly spoke. The kids did look pretty rough, I mean like they looked as not well off as you could get around here. I may not have brought my whole wallet, but I did bring some pocket money,

"Aye, take this too. Go get something ta eat ye all look famished"

I muttered, seven months ago I wouldn't have dreamed of willingly giving money away but I have plenty of it now, I don't really care about it too much. The child wearily took my money and scuttled away with their friends, laughing now instead. Evie and I nodded to each other,


Jay muttered at me. Without a second thought, I shoved past him and knocked into him with my shoulder making him stumble,

"Watch it, Jay"

I growled, and I'm back, I would hate to be getting too soft now. Both Evie and I turned around in unison to see Ben was out of sight. We both caught on at the same time and sighed at his air-headed behavior. I wonder why one twin got literally all the intuition and the other one got none. Brielle would never just wander off, especially on the goddamn Isle. We ran after him and luckily found him, looking around and talking to people like an absolute moron. I have respect for the lad don't get me wrong, but it's like he turned off the thinking part of his brain. We found him just as some dude growled at him for talking to him. While the other three pulled him back I got in the lads face with my hook at his neck just like good old times,

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