Birthday (Part One)

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Brielle POV

Alright, it's Harry's birthday today.

He's about 9 months older than me, and the day has finally arrived. I have a whole plan for what to do for his birthday, not to mention I got him some drawing related things because the boy loves to draw so what better things could I get him besides an actual sword?

Apparently they never celebrated birthdays on the Isle, which only makes me want to go more all out. Harry told me that your friend basically gives you a bottle of rum or something like that and says "congrats, you survived another year" which is honestly heartbreaking for me. I don't look at birthdays as you're a year older, I look at it as the anniversary that someone entered this world and for a soul as beautiful as Harry's why wouldn't I want to go all out for his birthday?

I know him pretty well now I can say, so I think going on a few little adventures would make his heart happy right? Well, I have quite a few little ideas for said adventures.

I think I could take him out onto the water via boat because Ben would totally let me borrow one of his. I don't own any boats, I can't swim still so why on earth would I own a boat? That would be wildly impractical.

Anyway, I went ahead and texted Ben and asked him to borrow one of his boats and he's letting me use one of the small yachts he has which is lovely of him. So the final plan for today is we sleep in some because why not and head for brunch right after, then maybe go on a walk to the enchanted lake or even the ocean he can choose there, then we come back and he can take us out onto the water and enjoy the evening. I know he's not a huge party person so I think this will be good for him. The boy does like a good ship or boat, so hopefully, he likes all of this.

I looked over at Harry's sleeping form as I had woken up before him for once. He was smiling in his sleep looking all precious. I cooed and brushed his hair some, letting my nails graze his scalp just a little bit. I think he likes it more when I do that, seeing as even in his sleep he smiled more and leaned into my hand a little more and curled up some more. His soft breathing and peaceful figure sent butterflies fluttering all around my system. I leaned forward and gently kissed his forehead,


I whispered with a bit of purr. He shifted some and groaned, burying his face in his pillow as he did so. I giggled some and scooted up some so I could be equal with him and rested my head right in front of his and casually moved my leg over his. I moved the hand I had in his hair to his cheek and caressed his cheek with my thumb, slowly moving my leg up and down on his at the same time,

"Harry, it's time to wake up~"

I softly spoke a bit louder. After a few seconds of groaning later those ocean eyes opened and immediately locked with my not nearly as impressive ones. Harry smiled some more and tugged at my waist some as he had his hand rested there all night,

"Happy birthday my love, how'd you sleep?"

I asked, he furrowed his brow for a second before realization hit,

"I forgot it was meh birthday taday, and I slept wonderfully"

Have I ever displayed my love for his sleepy voice? Because I absolutely love his sleepy voice. All extra raspy and his accent just pops more than it already does, really quiet as well which adds to the effect. I giggled and playfully rolled my eyes and quickly gave him a sly peck on the lips,

"You forgot it was your birthday? Well, lucky for you I most certainly didn't, first things first you wanna go for brunch? Because I might just have a bit of a fun day planned for the two of us"

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