Chapter 4 =Introductions=

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I slide open the door and walk inside to see the rows of students already seated, I spot Karma in the very back and immediately see him smirk.

I keep a blank look on my face and walk towards the front of the room.

"My names Y/n L/n, I hope we can all get along." I don't think I wanna reveal that I was an assassin just yet, I kinda wanna live as a normal teen for a while and avoid some questions.

"Hello Korosensei, I hope I can kill you by the end of the year." I smile towards him.

"Glad to see you have the assassination spirit L/n-san." He says reaching his tentacle out for me to shake. I grab one of the tentacles with my hand and it immediately explodes due to the knives and bb powder attached. I then swipe my foot with and kick him with the knife taped to the bottom of my shoe. This causes 3 of his tentacles to be compromised.

The class had a look of shock as Korosensei sped off.

"Woooooow Korosensei, never would've taken you for a coward that runs away like that; but I must say that was easier than I expected it to be." I laugh.

"Full marks on your attempt L/n-san but no weapons out during my class."

"Yeah yeah, I know I know, by the way you can just call me Y/n."

I walk toward the back of the room to the open seat next to Karma. Then after class Korosensei wanted to talk to me.

==After class==

"Y/n-san, you wouldn't happen to be the black rose assassin would you?" He asked in all seriousness

My face went pale and my expression changed into one that would probably kill someone.

"How the hell do you possibly know that?"

"Well Y/n-san by observation. This morning I noticed you fall out of the tree and did a move only assassins know of, not only that but the look in your eyes, also the ring you're wearing, there is only one of them in the world and it was customized and given specifically to her, it even has the engravings in it." 

I was shocked. He had picked up on all of that in a short amount of time.

"Well then, you're as perceptive as they say, but I'd appreciate if you kept that info hush hush, until I feel the need to reveal it."

He nods his head in compliance and dismisses me back to the classroom.

I walk back into the classroom and was hit with a bunch of questions from a group of students.

"How'd you do that?" "Are you an assassin?" "Do you have a boyfriend?" The last question confused me a little bit I answered them.

"I crushed some of the BB's up and had knifes that I cut up attached to my hand, then I had a full knife attached to the bottom of my shoe, the next question; that is classified, as for the third question: no."

They had all seemed satisfied with my answers so they all went back to what they were doing.

I see Karma come up to me still wearing the same smirk as before.

"That was pretty impressive Y/n-chan, you've harmed him the most so far."

"Yup and I'm gonna assume that you were the first to harm him?"

"You'd be correct." He hums. He starts to explain all of the attempts he's made on the octopuses life.

When he got to the part where he jumped off the cliff I had stopped him. "ARE YOU FREAKING STUPID?!"

He gives me a deadpanned look before I continue to scold him.

"Suicide Assassination attempts are only used for a last resort. And frankly THE HELL MAN WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?"

"Awe you care about me-" he teases.

"Shut it Akabane."

Important pls read.

I wanted to say that this will be the last update until mid to late December due to me going on hiatus due to my mental state. I apologize for this but I am not in the best place rn and I am really stressed and I kinda need a break.

So in the meantime I will only occasionally be updating the new bokuto oneshots book for my friend.

Thank you guys so much for reading my story


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