Chapter Ten =Shooting Robot=

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Back with another chapter and have i mentioned my 2 other sotries out and one of them is getting a sequal in a few days!

"Hey Karma have you heard? Apparently we're supposed to be getting a transfer student." I tell him as we walk towards the E-class mountain.

"We are? Who?" he asked.

"Well an AI tech lab from Norway I think came up with a killing machine that they're putting in our class." I deadpan.

"What?-" He deadpans with me.

We get to the classroom and see a few others inside along with a giant box with a screen. That must be the transfer student. This should be interesting.

We got settled into our seats and the machine had turned on. "Good morning. My name is Autonomous Fixed Artillery. I am the new transfer student."

I frankly didn't even know what to make of this situation and seemingly no one else did either.

"This is your new classmate. She's from Norway, have fun." Mr. Karasuma steps in. "Remember she might be complete AI and an assassin but she's a registered student and you can't harm students." He says to Koro-sensei.

"I see... using the contract against me. Ok then. Autonomous Intelligence Fixed Artillery, welcome to E-class!" He exclaims.

Since she was right next to me I took time to observe her. She had creases in her sides the shape of a rectangle. That's probably where her arsenal is and how she attacks. I just wonder what her rate of attacking will be.

Koro-sensei had begun class and all was well until the AI machine activated. Guns of all sorts came out of the rectangle creases and she started firing away. The shots were loud and the BB's were flying everywhere. That was just attack #1.

The class was tasked with cleaning the possible thousands of BB's that were littering the floor. It was like this every period of the day. She kept firing every 20 minutes. It was getting annoying.

By 5th period I was fed up and decided to just pack my stuff up and ditch the rest of the day. i snuck out the back window and walked down one of the forest paths.

I found a good tree to climb and I got on one of the stable branches. I needed to find a good standpoint to me to practice balance when fighting.

It was silent. Definitely an upgrade form the millions of loud gunshots I heard today. I wouldn't be surprised if my ear fell off.

"I thought I saw you go out of the window." A voice had interrupted me.

"Yeah well I was getting annoyed and was almost gonna snap, so I came here to cool off."

"I guess that's understandable. Mind if I join you? The Ai was annoying me too." Karma asked.

"Sure." I say sitting down on the branch as he climbs up next to me. "Hey Karma, you've only ever told me about what happened after you joined E-class, but never how you got here." I say.

"I was basically screwed over and stabbed in the back." He said flatly.

"How so, if you don't mind me asking."

After my question he had told me how he was put here by defending an E-class student but the teacher who said he'd back him up didn't. "Yeah. You were totally screwed over."

"Ya think?"

I sigh. "Karma. You have good intensions and morals behind everything you do and the teacher that betrayed you is a bastard. So yeah.... I'd say so." I said glancing at him.

Karma's eyes had widened in surprise as if no one had ever told him that before.

"Thank you." He says suddenly. I smile a little in return and grab his hand; Lifting it up I lace our fingers as reassurance that I'd always take his side.

"Lets be partners in crime." I joke a little.

"Yeah sure." He smirks at me.

Karma and I have only known each other for a few months but it had felt like we'd known one another for years. This is fun.

I wonder if we'll be friends for the rest of our lives? Then I remember one little detail.

I leave E-class and Japan effective immediately after graduation. I have another big mission to take if the earth isn't destroyed by then. Apart of me doesn't want to go but it's not my decision.

==Time skip== The Next Day

Before class had started, Terasaka wrapped duct tape around the AI girl. Can't say i blame him though.

"8:30 AM. Initiate start up. Todays schedule, execute 215 types of attacks by 6th period. Analyze Koro-sensei's evasive patterns-" she cut herself off. "I cannot move or attack in these restraints. Please remove them."

"I understand your discomfort but..."

"Unacceptable. This is a form of harming your student which goes against your contract." The AI girl states.

"He isn't the one that did it. I did. Being in a class with you is a pain. You need to learn common sense before you start assassinating people." Terasaka tosses the tape up and down.

She kept quiet and remained that way for the rest of the day. After school me and Karma decided to go to a cafe we heard about. When we walked in we took our order and sat down.

"Well then, fancy seeing you here Akabane. Y/n L/n as well. I believe I have yet to formally meet her." A voice says approaching our table.

I turned and see a strawberry blonde male with lavender eyes. This has got to be the Chairman's son.

"Assano. Come to see who almost beat you on the Mid-terms or are you just stalking us?" Karma smirks.

Asano's face goes serious before turning to me. "I'm Gakashu Asano. The Chairman's son." He holds his hand out for me to shake.

"Yeah sure, like wise." I glance at him; completely ignoring the gesture.

His face drops slightly and he opens his mouth to speak again. "I noticed that you transferred here and went directly to End class. Why is that? I know it can't be for your grades." Asano leans closer.

"That's for me to know and for you to not worry about." I clench my fist.

He looked at me shocked before Karma intervened. "Lay off Assano. Also you better not even think about getting that close to her again. I'll kick your ass."

Karma's voice was deadly. It held a mixture of rage, bloodlust and maybe jealousy? The look in his eyes held the same emotions.

Asano backed up before scoffing and leaving.

"I'm gonna take a wild guess that he's your enemy?" My voice snaps Karma out of his state.

He was now calm as he said "I'm not gonna loose."

Hiya, i just realized that i missed my set deadline for this story and i apologize so in return im gonna have a tidbits chapter out in a few minutes and for those of you who dont know what they are; then they are small little details and facts about the story.❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

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