=Another setback? Really=

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Did we... did we do it?

A gush of wind came up from where the explosion took place and knocked me and everyone else down into the water. The crash from the water was a bit painful, I had managed to take the waterpack off of my feet and I swam back up to the surface.

When I broke the waters surface tension and ended up really close to Karma.

"You ok?" He asked me.

"Yes, I'm fine but I can't believe it failed... it's been a while." I say looking at Koro-Sensei's new form.

"Look, it happens for now I'm glad that we get to assess the situation and relax a little." Karma said whilst putting his arm around my shoulder. "Besides, now we can tease the octopus on his new look." Karma eyes the sphere.

"This is my absolute defense form! This translucent sphere is consisted of highly condensed crystallized energy. I shrink my body as small as I can and use the surplus energy to form a shield around me. Once in this form I am truly untouchable. It repels everything from water to the BB's. However it only last 24 hours, so until then I'm rendered useless." Koro-Sensei explained.

"Invincible my ass!" Terasaka shouted. "There's gotta be something that can crack this thing open."

Karma had managed to drag us over to the dock that Koro-Sensei was being propped up on. He grabbed his phone from Kayano and seemed to be searching for something.

"Nope, nothing can break this hold, not even a nuclear missile could scratch me." Our spherical teacher bragged on.

"Really then?" Karma teased. Oh great what was he gonna do now. "I guess there's nothing more that we could do now that you're invincible." Karma had sat his phone up in front of Koro-Sensei showing a picture of him dressed as a bug on top of a bunch of porn mags. Karma you evil son of a bitch, you're good.

"NO! This isn't fair I can't even cover my face!" Koro-Sensei cried out while Karma had placed his phone upon a rock. Koro-Sensei had managed to best us, we had failed our assassination, you could tell there was a sense of despair from the class.

Then there was Karma."Oh a sea slug, I'll just stick that on you. Someone go find a dirty old man so I can shove this ultimate defense mechanism down his pants." How creative.

"Alright, alright that's enough for now." Karasuma had picked up Koro-Sensei and placed him into a bag. With this being the outcome, I can assume that this is the closest he had gotten to being killed. He had a very interesting tactic to deflect this, a last resort more like it. He had a sense of familiarity to it. His methods of defection resemble The Reapers. It was true I had managed to get distracted a bit on this mission but I still haven't forgot my true objective. To kill, and to research The Reaper.

This fail was taking more of a toll on the class than I thought. Karma had gotten out of the water first then had offered me a hand. I took it and peered into his eyes. "You seem to be in normal spirits." I observe out loud.

"Well I mean what's done is done. Moping about this one fail isn't exactly going to kill that thing." He said not letting go of my hand. He was completely right. But the class needs a break, a well deserved one. We all walk back to the hotel, the only noise heard was Ritsu assessing the situation. Once we got their we settled into the dining area.

I was deep in thought about what to do when I heard a thud. I look over and see Nakamura on the ground and Okajima with a bloody nose.

"Well that's not good." I say getting up as another classmate falls in front of me. From the looks of it half of our class is down and seems to be sick. It looks like the effect of a certain liquid poison I've been given to use before. Double not good. We've been set up.

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