Chapter 23 =Summertime and Terasaka=

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The day was hot and humid. The classroom building for E-class was less than pleasant at the moment considering the funds that were never put into any sort of AC or heating system.  The wood was practically smoldering.

In the back of the classroom, Karma and I were sitting in our seats facing each other. Karma was fanning me with one of his papers and I had my head down on my desk melting.

"I didn't think someone like you would be affected by this heat." Karma muttered.

"Long story short: wildfire in the middle of mission." I replied whilst keeping my head down on my desk. It was true, back in one of my earlier missions it was set in a place prone to wildfires and of course with my luck one had happened as I geared towards the end of my mission.

"Koro-Sensei, would you please carry us down to the main school building?" All of us students were practically burning.

"Ok if you insist, is what I'd like to say but... You can't rely on my speed for everything! There are things that even I can't do at Mach 20."

"Yeah yeah, we get it."

"However, everyone change into your swimwear and follow me. There's a stream on the other side of the mountain, we can cool off there." Koro-Sensei had urged.

I- huh?

We began our adventure onto the other side of the mountain as small conversations were made. I had never been on this side of the mountain before. There was a beaten trail covered in rocks, which I'm assuming the octopus had arranged for us. Karma had taken my hand and had begun to get closer to Nagisa to hold a conversation.

"Hey Nagisa... I heard you kicked ass the other day! I wish we were there to see your assassination."

"Oh yea, you guys ditch classes you don't like." Kayano stated. While yes we did, but I find we had a good reason to ditch the class. I admit that what happened may have been an overreaction but hey, who wouldn't overreact?

"Now then everybody! Just as I said a moment ago, there are things that even I can't do at Mach 20. One of them is taking you swimming at the main campus. That being said, I never said we were going swimming there.

Koro-Sensei had reeled back the bushes to show an area surrounded by trees with an opening, and in that opening was a man made swimming pool.

"I dammed up this little stream and it took twenty hours for the water to fill up this pool!" He proceeded to tell us the details of the pool before letting us jump in.

The class exclaimed their excitement before jumping. It was things like that that made it hard for us to assassinate our teacher.

Some were playing water volleyball, others just floating around, Okajima was being creepy and taking pictures while Kayano was getting insecure about the way her bathing suit fit her. Off to the side you could hear Nakamura yell. "Nagisa! You're a boy?!"

"You didn't know?"

Karma and I however were just floating near one of the walls of the pool. I felt a splash on my face and turn to see him snickering. "It's on Akabane." I grabbed a handful of water and splashed him back. His face never faltered as we continued to splash each other back and forth.

The blaring of a coach whistle blew through the air and all of our heads were direccted towards the sound. ""Kimura! No running by the pool, you could slip and fall!" Koro-Sensei panicked with... the whistle, swimming cap, old person bathing suit and lifeguards chair.

Koro-Sensei continued to panic and scream. Never stopped blowing that damn whistle for any second of his tantrum. "This pool has been designed to perfection from its location to it's layout. I want everyone to have fun in a safe and mannered way.

"Don't be so uptight Koro-Sensei!" Kurahashi laughed as she raised her arms to the air, causing water droplets to fly in Koro-Sensei's direction.

"EEEK!" Koro-Sensei shrieked like a little girl.

Is he... afraid or allergic to water? Perhaps a new weakness. Karma and I seemed to share the same idea as we both smile at each other and nod our heads as we swam towards Koro-Sensei. Both of us grabbed the legs of his lifeguard stand and rapidly shook it to try and get him to fall. Karma had his tongue sticking out in a teasing manner and I just held back more laughter.

I had to say, being friends with Karma is definitely the best time I think I've ever had. Never in my life did I think I'd be messing with my teacher.

A new plan was devised by the class mentally. It more than likely wasn't going to work but it still would be a hell of a time.

Assassination by water.

We ganged up and jumped at the same time to try and slow the octopus down.

=Time Skip= Terasaka is Salty

Over the weeks the E-class classroom has been a bit busy. The pool was destroyed and damaged quite a bit; my guess says Terasaka. While he's always been insufferable, this week he's been a complete nightmare.

Karma and I were on our way into class from break when all we heard was Terasaka's screaming. "You make me sick. You and everyone else in E class that's been brainwashed into getting all chummy with the monster." Karma and I were now in the room watching idly from the back of the room. The two of us sharing the same smirk.

"Stop complaining then, if you don't like him then kill him. We're allowed to do that in this classroom." Karma spoke up from beside me. He was pressing Terasaka's buttons. I don't disagree with that idea, Terasaka needs to seriously be humbled.

"Hey Karma, I'm beginning to suspect that the only reason you wanna pick a fight right now is because you have your little girlfriend behind you to back you up. It's kind of pathetic since you- Terasaka was cut off by Karma putting his hand over his mouth.

"I know damn well that she could kick your ass without a doubt. Hell  she could kick both of our asses at the same time but I suggest you shut your mouth. She's not the on picking the fight, you are. Throw a punch before you talk shit."


Karma and I were ditching the next period after the whole thing with Terasaka. Leaning against the trees a few minutes away from the pool when we heard a large explosion. Both Karma and I went tours the direction of the pool. We get there and I saw Hara go over the edge. Karma was handling Terasaka and his stupid mistake while I focused on helping Hara.

"Hara!" I shout. "How long do you thing you can hold onto that branch?"

"Y/n! Please help me its gonna snap any minute." She shouted back up. "And tell Terasaka that I'm gonna kick his ass for calling me a fatass."

"Noted." I respond. I begin my climb down when another rush of wind nocked me over and I'm now hanging off the edge of the cliff.

=Karma POV=

I see Y/n get blowed to the edge as I look back at Terasaka and moth over to him. "If she gets hurt, I'll kill you myself." Terasaka was fighting Itona while I was focused on my plans next step. Hidden in the back of my mind was Y/n.

=Y/n POV=

My hand was beginning to slip from the edge. I look around and I spot a vine hanging down from a few feet away. All I had to do was side climb towards it. I could feel the rough texture cut against my hands as I made my way over. I grab the vine and used it to swing down to Hara. I landed on the ledge above her and tie the rope to my waist.

"Hara, grab onto me, keep a tight grip around my shoulders." She does as told and I begin climbing up the cliff. I'm assuming by the amount of yelling that Karma was  handling things perfectly fine. However...

When we got back up, Karma was being dragged in the water. I couldn't help but laugh at the situation.

==The Black Rose Assassin==Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin