Getting Answers

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Midoriya shifted anxiously in the seat facing the pane of plexiglass, eyeing the phone that was going to hopefully give him the answers to the questions that had been swimming through his head for days now.

The door on the other side of the window opened, and Midoriya straightened up as Shaggy came through the door, limping slightly. He looked like shit, apparently he did keep some sort of grooming regimen because his hair and beard were considerably crazier now. Shaggy sat down in the other chair, staring down at the desk in front of him as he reached out to take the phone.

Midoriya did the same, gazing at the man as he tried to think of something to say.

"I didn't think you'd want to talk to me." he was surprised when Shaggy spoke first; he sounded... really sad.

"You didn't think I'd want answers?" Midoriya responded.

"Good point." Shaggy sighed, tapping absentmindedly on the table with his other hand, "But maybe I just thought, like, you wouldn't be able to trust anything I had to say."

"I think this situation has a little more to it than either of us would expect." Midoriya stated, trying to will Shaggy to look back at him. The man did so, eyes dark with a lack of sleep, "Shaggy, I want you to tell me... was it all fake?"

As soon as he held Shaggy's eyes, he lost them, the man's gaze falling back down with a heavy sigh, "I... wasn't sure for a while if it was or not... when the plan began I wasn't putting up an act or anything. Any time we talked I was just talking like I would to any other person." he frowned, "I want you to know that everything I said was real; it was my intentions that were clouded."

"So... why?" Midoriya prompted.

"You already know why Woody formed that plan to begin with, right?" Shaggy asked in turn.

Midoriya nodded; it was a moment he wouldn't forget.

"Woody was the only person I had for years... I was never good at thinking or acting for myself. I needed someone to tell me what to do, and he was there." Shaggy sighed, resting his head against his hand tiredly, "It was our plan in a way, but it relied on me completely to carry it out. Even then, he was there to keep me to it, or I don't think I would've followed through. I was angry and jaded and needed a cause so bad; it was all I had left since my group fell apart."

"Why did you save me?" Midoriya rephrased.

Shaggy looked up at him again, surprised, "Uh... well... the time we spent together, like, changed me." Shaggy struggled to find an explanation that would come even close to making sense, "I might have started talking to you to gain your trust, but... then I just kinda wanted to hang out with you... it was the first genuine connection I had felt since my gang..." Shaggy cleared his throat nervously, "And then the... kiss changed everything." Shaggy scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, "I... I didn't want to go through with it, but then Woody put doubt back in my mind, and I believed him."

Midoriya studied Shaggy; he seemed genuinely remorseful and completely lost and ashamed.

"I should've known what was right, but I was convinced that the plan was what was most important when I should've seen what my way out was." Shaggy's eyes met Midoriya's with an intensity that surprised him, "I know that you probably won't believe me. I mean, I had a hard time believing myself, but... I love you Midoriya. I might not have known it at the time, but my instinct did, and that's what saved you." Shaggy shook his head, "I might not know who or what I am anymore... but the connection we had was real to me, and that's why I saved you."

Midoriya's expression softened, so his hunch was right after all. Maybe he could work with this, "Shaggy?" the man looked at him expectantly, "You've been alone for a long time haven't you."

Shaggy seemed confused for a moment, but as soon as understanding dawned on him he nodded slightly.

"Well, maybe I can fix that." Midoriya shifted in his seat before extending a hand, "Hello, I am Izuku Midoriya, and I believe we got off on the wrong foot."

Shaggy cracked a disbelieving smile at him before lifting his own hand, both of them placing their palms on the window, "Hey, I'm, like, Shaggy Rogers."

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