Meeting the Mother

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Retrieving his coat from its designated hook, Shaggy took a moment to pat himself down and make sure he wasn't forgetting anything. The kid had called him earlier to tell him that there might be a change of plans, and that if he feels like it he might want to dress up a bit.

Shaggy truly had no clue as to what the kid was planning, but his version of 'dressing up' involved tucking in his shirt and wearing a nicer jacket than usual, so the kid just had to be content with that.

His hand had barely reached for the doorknob when he heard a voice clear from behind him. Turning around quickly, Shaggy found Woody at the end of the hall.

"We don't have forever Shaggy, when are you finally going to make your move?" his impatience was as evident as his desire for revenge, and Shaggy just barely managed to not roll his eyes.

"Actually, like, we do have forever, and we kinda can't, like, rush into this or else our plan will fall apart."

"Our?" Woody scoffed, "The more time goes on the less I believe that you're actually invested in what's happening."

"Or maybe I'm more invested because I'm actually making sure it's done right." Shaggy retorted, "Midoriya isn't stupid, man. I need to, like, build trust with him before I can ask him to do anything reckless."

Woody's gaze hardened, and Shaggy knew he was walking on thin ice, "If you need me to move, I can."

"I don't." Shaggy asserted, "This plan needs to be smart. We can't do it your way or you'll just get your ass handed to you, man. Like, this plan needs to be more of a brain thing."

"You and I both know that brains aren't your specialty." Woody huffed, "Your lack of drive will destroy our chances."

"You've got no right to talk about brains man." Shaggy's voice raised at the obstinate stubbornness of his reluctant companion, "At least I knew when my hero days were over."

He knew he had crossed a line, and Woody turned pointedly away, "Have you ever considered that maybe you're the one whose holding on to the past?"

Shaggy yanked open the door, far too pissed to entertain Woody's question, and marched out into the warm evening light. Who did Woody think he was? He wouldn't be anything without Shaggy's efforts, probably sitting in a jail cell somewhere after a failed attempt at a statement. Shaggy knew he lacked drive, but it was the saving grace of their duo as Woody's aimless passion would be what would kill them eventually.

He angrily sped walked his way to Midoriya's usual meeting point, rounding the corner of the gym so quickly that he nearly ran right into said boy. Midoriya jumped, eyes shooting upward before he relaxed at recognizing Shaggy.

"Oh, good, you're here." the innocent teenager smiled, expression softening with concern, "You okay?"

Shaggy scratched the back of his neck, sighing heavily to try and breathe out all that excess anger, "Yeah, I'm good, just some assholes, like, giving me trouble on the way here."

Midoriya nodded, smile returning with enthusiasm, "Aren't you going to ask what's happening?"

"What? Our anniversary?" Shaggy joked dryly.

That earned him an unimpressed glare from the boy, "No, my mom wants to meet you!"

Shaggy sputtered in surprise, maybe his anniversary joke wasn't too far from the truth, "What? Why!?"

Deku laughed beginning to walk, "I was just telling her that I found myself a trainer, and she said she was interested in meeting you. Probably just an overprotective mom thing."

Deku x Shaggy: Confused LoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon