A Brand New Day

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What had happened? Was he alive? How was he alive? Right, Shaggy had saved him... after kidnapping him... was that actually what had happened to him? He really was an idiot wasn't he; of course Shaggy was too good to be true, or maybe he was being overly harsh on himself. He just couldn't help but think, though, that what happened with Shaggy wasn't all it appeared to be.

Midoriya's eyes opened to the all too familiar white of a hospital room, except this time his limbs weren't encased in casts and instead of aching all over he just felt a vague pain in his chest. Said pain made it much more difficult to sit up than normal, and only grew worse when he jumped at a sudden gasp.

"Izuku! You're awake!" immediately he was encased in the arms of his distraught mother, momentarily being worried that she'd shatter his ribcage, "Oh my God, my baby is alive..."

"H-hey, Mom, y-yeah, I'm awake." he mumbled out, "How long was I out?"

"A week." His mom released him and sat back, tears in her eyes, "Izuku, I am so sorry you had to go through that. You must have been so scared, and I completely made the wrong judgement and... are you okay?"

Midoriya sat there, staring into the sheets before frowning, "I... don't think I am."

His mom nearly burst into tears, "I should have protected you. I shouldn't have allowed that man to be around you. To think that I approved of him-"

"Mom, please." Midoriya reached out to take his mother's hand, "It isn't your fault. We all misjudged him... it's no one's fault."

"My baby was going to be..." his mother covered her mouth, finding it too horrific to put into words.

"Mom, it's okay... I'm alive." he found it hard to truly believe it though. He was so close to death it was nearly impossible for him to grasp the severity of what had occured.

The door to the room opened, and a doctor stepped into the room, "Ah, good, you are awake Mr. Midoriya." The man closed the door behind him before walking up to the foot of the bed, "How are you feeling?"

"Uh... I guess I could be worse." the boy shrugged.

The doctor smiled sympathetically before looking down at his clipboard, "The bullet missed your heart by mere centimeters, and you seem to be healing well." he looked back up at Midoriya, "You should be clear to leave within the week."

"Yeah?" Midoriya hummed without much conviction. What was his life now? Was he just supposed to forget everything and move on, forget Shaggy?

"Is there something on your mind?" The doctor asked perceptively.

"What... happened to them?" Midoriya inquired. He at least had to know if Shaggy was alive or not.

"Both men involved survived, though both of them were in critical condition." The doctor sighed, "That being said, they both are expected to survive and then go to prison for what they've done to you."

"Are they... both receiving the same sentence?" Midoriya didn't quite understand why he cared, but he just had to know.

"No, based on their actions as well as gathered statements, Mr. Rogers is going to be seen as an accessory and not the culprit." The doctor responded, taping his pen against the clipboard.

"Both of those men should rot in prison for their entire lives!" Midoriya's mother stood up sharply, "How do we know if Izuku will ever be safe again?"

The doctor held up a placating hand, and Midoriya's mother sat back down reluctantly, "Mr. Rogers testified that they were the only two involved; neither of them have any connections."

Deku x Shaggy: Confused LoveOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz