Chapter 10

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As the families proceeded down the road the girls in the back of the van, all of them being girl's laughing and having a good time. They played many games and finally settled down and started watching a movie.  With everyone concentrating on the movie and being quiet, Steph was just watching away when she all of a sudden she felt the need to pee, she tried fighting it for a while but the urge kept getting stronger and stronger to the point she couldn't set still.  She thought about it for a little while and decided hey I might as well just go, I've got a diaper on and mom said it's ok.  She set there and started relaxing and before she knew it she just started going in her diaper, the warmth started flowing down the front of her diaper.  It was started to feel nice to her and she was enjoying the experience. But unknown to her there was another child struggling with having to go herself.

"Hey mom I need to go pee" a certain 8yo blurted out in the van

Carol looked back at Stella and said "we'll hun just go"

"What" Stella replied surprisingly. She never thought of going in what she was wearing.

"Yea babe, you've got a diaper on so just use it, we're on vacation so sometimes there's no rules. So if you have to go just go or wait for some time until we stop for lunch" her mother added.

"I'll think about" Stella replied.

Both Steph and Stacie looked at each other and grinned.  Stacie looked at her little sister and said "just go, it's better than you think"

Steph chimed in to "just use it, I just used mine a couple of minutes ago and I'm pretty sure that both your sisters are wet as well"

"Yep" stacie replied "but I you know I can't hold to long anyways" she chuckled

After some further badgering Stella shouted "ok".  So she sat there trying to do something that's she has been taught not to do in her pants.  

"Just relax" Steph told her cousin "once you start it will flow"

Stella sat there and tried to relax and finally after a few minutes she had some pee come out and then some more.  Soon she was just fully peeing herself.  She felt the diaper start filling up with some warmth down the front to her butt.  She reached down and felt how squishy the pampers started feeling.

Stacie asked Stella "you done, do you feel better"

"Well I don't have to pee anymore, so yes I feel better" Stella added

"How's the diaper feel?" Steph asked

"Ok I guess" Stella replied "it's warm and feels ok but that's about it"

Steph and Stacie just looked at each other with like ok to each there own.

About an hour and a half later the families decided it was a good time for some lunch. The vans exited the interstate and pulled into a ruby tuesday's for some lunch.  They exited the vans a headed inside.  As they were walking in Laura pulled her daughter aside to check on her.  

"Are you having a good time." She asked

"Yea mom" Steph replied it's all good"

"Good then" Laura said then she asked "what condition is your diaper in, are you wet?

"Mom" staph looked around to see if anyone heard.  "I've peed once but it feels good" she added

 Without thinking, Being the mom that she is Laura reached down and felt the front of her preteen daughter's diaper, which caught Steph off guard and she said, "oh I'm sorry hun, just a mom reaction I guess"

"It alright mom, but let's do this in private next time" Steph said  "well anyways am I ok"

"Yep good to go" Laura said.  By that time carol had helped stacie out of the van and to her walker.  Both families walking towards Laura did notice her 8yo niece walking in front of her and seen what appeared to be a diaper sticking slightly below her dress when she bent down.

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