Chapter 12

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By this time Steph is getting use to wearing and using her new found underwear.  While at dinner she started getting the urge to pee and without even giving it a second thought she just started going.

After dinner they all went out for some ice cream, while there enjoying their desert Steph started getting another type of urge started creeping up on her.  She then went and whispered to her mom "I need to go to the bathroom"

"Just go in your diaper like you've done all day" her mom told her without thinking on what Steph is telling her.

"No mom I've got to go you know" Steph replied while holding up two fingers

Laura was looking at Steph and realized what she was saying. "Oh right I see" Laura said to her daughter.  "Give me a second and we'll see if we can find a restroom or can you wait until we get back to the house.

Steph said ok and went back and sat down with stacie, which the pressure was building for her to go. When her mom was done with her ice cream she motioned to Steph to come with her to go find the restroom.  

"Come on hun" Laura said as she was reaching down in a backpack and pulling out a new fresh diaper and started walking towards where the restrooms were located.

They went around the corner they ran into a line for a small bathroom which look to have around a 15 minute wait to get in there.  Laura turned to Steph and said "this line is to long so either you can wait until we get back to the house or you can just go and I'll change you in the van, it's ok whatever you happens"

"Ok mom, how long before we leave, I really need to go" Steph told her mother.

"Soon hun, but we wanted to look in some stores before we go" Laura told her daughter.

They returned to the tables and waited until the rest of the family was done with their ice cream. All the while Steph urge to poop was getting stronger by the minute.  They families looked around for a little while longer or to an 11yo needing to go.

Steph went up to her mom and asked "how much longer mom I really need to go?"

"In a little bit hun" Laura replied looking at her daughter who was looking desperate "why don't you just go, I promise it won't be that bad and I'll get you cleaned up quickly and not say a word to anyone"

Steph thought about it and replied "I don't know why can't we just hurry up"

"Steph we are not rushing" Laura told her daughter "you have on a diaper and that's what it used for just in case, plus you'll feel better when your done" Laura added.  

"Ok" Steph looked at her mom "can we go to the van then"

"Sure let's go" Laura said

They got back to the van and Steph climbed into the back seat and sat down trying to figure out how to do this. Laura noticed her daughter's frustration and suggested "why don't you go ahead and take your shorts off and stand up and squat down and just push like when you were little or just scoot down in the seat to where you but is off the edge."

Steph followed her mom's instructions and slid down her shorts and positioned herself until her butt was just at the edge of her seat.  She sat there for a moment thinking about what's she about to do in her pants.  After a moment she began to push, luckily it was a softer one and with ease she filled up her diaper.  Soon she was done and looked over at her mom who was waiting patiently and gave her mom a nod. She then slid back up in the seat allowing the poop to spread evenly across her butt.

Laura then looked at Steph and said "ok hun let's get you laid down her in the floor and get you cleaned up"

Steph got down in the floor and laid down so her mom could get to work on changing her out of that nasty diaper.

Laura reached down and and started undoing the tapes of the diaper, she then pulled the front back to inspect the damage.  There was a good amount but it wasn't that bad.  Laura grabbed the bag of wiper and a fresh diaper to have them ready to go.  She started to take the front of the diaper and wipe down towards Steph butt and with the other hand she grabbed Steph ankles and lifted her up. She then kept wiping with the diaper getting most of the mess with the diaper.She then pulled the stinky out from under Steph all still holding her daughter's legs up in the air, she then grabbed the wipes and started wiping Steph until she was all cleaned up.  After that she quickly diapered Steph back up.  She helped Steph get her shorts back on.

Soon they exited the van and was headed back to join the family.

"See don't you feel better" Laura said to her daughter 

"I sure do mom" Steph replied.  "That's wasn't as bad as I thought" 

After a little while they was done shopping and both families headed back to the house.

When they arrived back to the house Laura looked at Steph and said why don't you go take a shower and get ready for bed.  

Steph was good with that so they headed off to the bathroom where her mom removed her diaper for her.  Steph got into the shower.  After she got out of the shower she dried off and headed off to her room to get ready for bed, stacie headed into the bathroom to take a bath her self.  It was warm so steph grabbed one of her tee shirts and put it on, she yelled out to her mom to say she was done.  She did hear mom so she yelled out again, after a few minutes her dad stuck his head in the door to tell Steph that her mom was in the shower herself and to see what she wanted.

"Oh hi dad" Steph said.  "I was just letting mom know I was done and needed to get ready for bed"

"Oh ok hun" her dad said as he entered the room.  "Here I'll put it on you" her dad said as he went over and grabbed a diaper and supples off the dresser. He turned to his blushing daughter and told her to "lay down"

"It's ok dad I'll wait for mom" Steph said

"Nonsense" her dad said, "your mom's got a lot happening and I need to help her out, plus I used to do this anyways"

Steph laid back to allow her dad put her diaper on.

"Ok so how do we do it?" Her dad asked "is it just like it used to be or do you need to turn over or anything"

Steph answered "no mom usually does it the old fashion way" she blushed.

"Well ok then" her dad replied so with that he went about putting a diaper on his 11yo daughter making sure to powder her up real good for bed time.

Soon stacie and aunt carol was done in the bathroom and carol got stacie diapered up and ready for bed.  Soon both girls were asleep ready for the next day

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