Chapter 3

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The day that the family was waiting for, Friday start of vacation.  Today they were driving 3 hours down the aunt Carol's house to stay the night there. then the would travel travel together Saturday morning down Saint Augustine Florida to start for a week there.  Then travel to Orlando for a couple days in Disney.  And finish up with a week in pensacola Florida.

During the day Steph's mom and dad packed up the family mini van with everything they was taking with them.  Closed up the house.

"Hey kids lets go to the potty before we leave" mom announced. Which meant it's time to leave.

With everybody ready to go and loaded up the Harris family headed out for the short drive to Georgia where aunt carol lived.

Now Steph hasn't had any bedwetting accidents since Sunday morning so it wasn't on her mind.  She had downloaded some shows from the Disney app before they left so that made the trip seem like no time at all and before she knew it they was pulling into there aunts house.

It seemed like forever since they had seen each other, it had been about a year since her grandmother's funeral.  They had move back to where Steph's dad was from a few years ago to help take care of her when she got sick.  She had passed away last fall and aunt carol's family came up for the funeral but had stayed at a hotel overnight.

Both families greeted each other in the normal way.  When it was all over getting hugs and kisses they headed into the house.  Laura had packed an overnight bag with their clothes and such so they wouldn't have to unload the car just for the night.  She grabbed that as they were entering.  All of the kids headed out to the backyard except carols's daughter stacie.  She was your typical 14 yo girl in all ways except when she was almost 10 she had a brain aneurysm and was still having some difficulty getting around without the use of a cane or crutches, unless she was going to be out or standing for a long time then she would need her wheel chair.  She still had some other minor health issues from it but nothing was going to stop her.  She was feeling mature and wanted to stay in and visit with her aunt Laura.  Before they moved away she was close with her aunt.

Laura asked "how are you doing, are you getting around good"

"Pretty good" stacie replied "I getting better all the time"

"She's doing physical therapy 2 times a week" carol spoke in "they says she is doing outstanding in the time frame that she has of healing"

"Well that's fantastic!" Laura said "I'm so glad it going good"

Stacie replied "there's only one thing that I wish I could regain again"

"What's that" Laura inquired

"I don't know if I want to talk about it yet" stacie said with some embarrassment

"Honey it ok, there going to find out on this trip, it's kinda of hard to hide when your sharing a house with us." Carol added "plus there's nothing to be embarrassed about, plus I've already kinda told her some so it wouldn't be a shock to her.  Plus you wanted to tell her most it it yourself in case she needed to help"

"It's fine stacie" Laura added "I kinda understand plus you are not the only one with that problem"

"Ok" stacie said "the issue I have is the brain damage from the aneurysm has left me basically with little to no bladder control" as she looked down at her feet blushing.

Laura leaned over and gave stacie a hug and said "I'm so sorry honey, but there's nothing to be embarrassed about around me.  What have the doctors said about it? She asked

"They said it could get better with time" carol added "but until then she can work on Keagle exercises to help strengthen her muscles.  In the meantime time she wears protection all the time."

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