Chapter 8

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As Steph and Laura entered the restaurant, Steph was noticing how her new underwear as she was walking.  These pull-ups wasn't as tight feeling as her goodnites.  They felt a little loose around her legs waist, but it wasn't to bad she thought.

Soon they were setting at their table and the thoughts that she was wearing a pull-up soon left her mind as Steph, Stella and Stacie started talking and hanging out.  

After they finished breakfast it was time to get back on the road.  The decided they had better use the bathroom a such before they left.  Carol ask Stacie quietly "hey hun how wet is your diaper and do you need to go before we leave?"

Stacie replied "I'm ok, I've only wet just a little so I should be good until we stop again"

"Ok good" carol said.

Meanwhile Laura was talking to Steph "babe since you decided to wear the pull-up it's up to you if you use it or not, right now we're on vacation and there's no worries or judgment on what you decide to do, I did notice you had a few glasses of oj and water at breakfast, do you need to go to the potty"

Steph thought that was kinda weird that her mom said that but since she she didn't have to go at they moment she was ok so she replied to her mom "ok thanks mom, I don't have to go at the moment so I'm going to walk out Front with stacie.

As Frank and David were  paying Laura and carol took Jake and Bethany to the bathroom to change their diapers and pee themselves.

  Stella also had to go and went into the stall while the younger ones was being changed.  But was listening to the conversation her mom and aunt were having while changing diapers. But was like WHAT

Carol asked "so i noticed that Steph was wearing the pull-up I gave her, what made her change her mind?"

Laura replied "I don't know, I noticed that she was in the back and was holding on to it in her bag.  So when I asked her about it she didn't even realize what she was doing.  So we talked about it before we came in and she decided to try it out.  I'm not sure why but it's ok, I told her it's up to her if she uses it or not, and it was ok with me, no judgment from me.  Do you think that was wrong?"

"Not really" carol said "she's probably just a little curious about it, besides what's the harm, we're on vacation.  We'll have plenty of diapers and such and if needed we can always order more" she chuckled.

Stella was finishing up in the stall thinking to herself "wow, who'd want to wear a diaper all the time, I wouldn't want to do that" she laughed 

Soon every one who needed to use the bathroom was out and both families got in their vans and was soon on the road once again.

Laura looked back to see Jake intensely watching a movie and Steph was playing on her phone.  She thought to her self "why did Steph decide to put it on?  What thoughts she was having in her 11yo brain?" She decided to climb back there with Steph and have a talk to make sure Steph was ok now it's been a little while.  She climbed back and sat down next to her preteen daughter. "Hey Steph now we're kinda alone I figured we could talk some more about what your wearing"

Steph looked up surprised but said "sure mom"

Laura started out "Steph honey, I just want to make sure your ok and I don't have any judgements what so ever on if you decided to use it.  I'm assuming your just a little curious which is fine.  What thoughts are you having or any questions you have?

Steph sat there for a few moments and said "I'm really not sure why, but curious I guess.  For some reason last night they made me feel comfortable when you put the diaper on me.  I was just enjoying the feeling I guess." She also said "I'm not planning on using it unless I'm in the situation like this morning, I was glad I was wearing one then" she laughed 

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