𝓉𝓌𝑒𝓃𝓉𝓎 𝓉𝓌𝑜

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"Pick me up after school, you can be my baby,
maybe we could go somewhere, get a little crazy."
- Lana Del Rey & A$AP Rocky

Rakim stayed the night. I asked him to, if he could.
Past few days have been pretty hard on me; physically, I've been getting better, healing up well. I was still limping around like a wounded deer, but progress was there. But mentally, I've been pretty unstable; motivation was an unknown word for me.

But he made it all better.

Because of the accident, I completely forgot that Rakim has problems as well. He's taking care of his siblings, going to school and needs to be careful too. DeAndre has beef with him and god knows what's going on in all those weird people's heads. I trusted Rakim; I knew he would deal with any trouble, choosing the right way.

"How bout you come over tomorrow night, finally meet my mom." He invited me.

"I would love to." I was happy his mom expressed such interest to meet me. I thought it was sweet.

"Aight. But someone's gonna have to give you a ride."

"I'll take care of it."

"You can always just ask your mom." He suggested.

"Mom? No, thanks. Too early." I raised my brow. "I'll ask Alicia."

"Cool." He was looking at me and I knew he wanted to say something.

"What?" But I didn't have to ask him twice; being that outspoken and all.

"I hate to be the one to tell you this... but maybe it's time you sat down with your momma, talked a lil bit."

He was right, but I wasn't really ready for that yet.

"I will, when the time is right. I promise." I said.

"Good. Now, you hungry?" He smiled. For some reason, I forget about everything, except how happy he makes me, whenever he flashes his beautiful smile at me. His energy is just too damn strong, it overpowers me every time; never in a bad way.

"I would love a milkshake." I grinned like a little kid.

"Yeah? Wanna come with me?" He asked.

"Do I? You don't have to ask me twice, I'm dying to get out of the house." A perfect reason to drive around, now that my leg is somehow functional.

"Come on baby. Let's go for a ride."

My window was rolled down, my head leaned close to it, the warm wind blowing at my face, as we were driving. Buildings were coming up, then disappearing fast, my hand stuck out, just floating. I closed my eyes and listened to the sounds of The Neighbourhood, letting them fill my head with soft and mellow feels. I loved driving around in the passenger seat.

Rakim parked in the lot and went inside because the drive in line was too long. I was in the car, waiting for him, vibing to the music. I took one of his cigarettes out of the pack he had stashed in one of the compartments, lighting it up.

I never liked smoking all that much, but I've had a couple to successfully calm my nerves. Blowing the smoke out, I noticed a shadow by the car.

"Baby? I took one, hope you don't mind." I loudly said, turning my head around.

"Nah, I don't mind at all." A strange voice said. All I knew is that I've never heard it before. My eyes looked upon a slimmer man with a shaved cut, a tattoo on his face and a knife in his hand. I completely froze, as the cigarette fell from my hand.

"Get out of the fucking car!" He yelled out and that's when I started to panic. I couldn't really do what he wanted me to, since my leg is all fucked up. Recuperation doesn't mean I can just do whatever.

I started moving, opening the door and grabbing my crutch.

"Move it bitch!" He shouted in my face. I flinched and reacted instinctively.

"Okay! I'm hurt, I can't fucking walk!" I yelled right back at him. I thought he was going to hit me, when he started looking the other way and I prayed to everything out there, that it was Rakim, coming to save me.

I heard footsteps, he was running.

"Step away from the car." Rakim said. This clicking sound I heard imprinted in my head; I remember it from the movies. I think that was a gun.

Turning around slowly, I gasped. There he was. My knight with shiny metal; he was holding a gun, pointing it right at the guy.

"What the fuck you want? Touch her again and this here," He waved the gun right in front of the guy's face, "It's gonna get emptied in your raggedy ass if you come near her again. You hear me?" He dropped his knife when Rakim came closer.

"I'm just a messenger." He then said.

"For who?" Rakim asked.

"You know who. He gonna collect."

I literally sat there with my mouth open, witnessing something straight out of a gangster movie.

"Collect what, fuck outta here. He wanna talk, he gonna call."

The guy only chuckled arrogantly, running away.

"Baby, you okay? Did he hurt you?" He kneeled down in front of me, assessing the damage.

"I'm good, what the hell was that? Do you know him?" I pulled my hair back into a ponytail, leaning back in my seat after a loud sigh.

"Just some fool, DeAndre's friend." He caressed my cheek. "Don't worry, I'm gonna take care of this."

"Jesus! I didn't know you have a gun. Why didn't you tell me?"

"It ain't real, see?" He pulled out the magazine, full of blanks.

"Damn." It sure looked real, felt that way too. He let me hold it, it was pretty heavy.

"Yeah, looks real enough to scare someone." He grinned. "You still hungry?"

"Yeah, and I need a drink." I said. "Like, a real one."

"Makes us two. You sure you alright?"

I nodded and realized this may have been my first similar incident, but not his. Rakim was prepared, he's been down this road before.

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