Chapter 2: Humans for a Vampire [Revised Version]

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//Now, now..don't be disappointed..I know I took a good scene from this.. but don't worry. It's gonna come back...and so much more ;)

The former Queen of North America kept wiping away tears from her deep red eyes, her husband's arms wrapped around her tight almost pulling the nearly 500-year-old vampire into his lap. Oriel stood before them rolling her eyes carelessly. She looked rather odd in her parents' small home in the UK. It was secluded on the outskirts of some small-town away from everyone. They had their own protection details as well even if they didn't serve as the king and queen anymore. The pair had their fun ruling over North America for a time but decided to step down, tired of their royal responsibilities, and wanted more time for themselves. Which resulted in their daughter Nina becoming queen all too soon and now her reign ended before its time. Oriel's outfit was a silk white shirt and overly priced jeans along with a pair of diamond-encrusted heels. She wore a real fur jacket on her shoulders to keep her from being cold even if she didn't really feel it. She dawned no tiara to keep anyone from recognizing her too much and hide her from the English public eye. They didn't need too much of an uproar at this time. "Your sister would have loved to be alive right now, she always loved New Years." Her mother sniffled and Oriel folded her arms across her chest. Yes, she knew that but now Oriel would be bringing in the new 2018 year as queen. She fought the urge to smile. "Yes, Nina's death was terrible.. may the goddess rest her soul." Oriel sighed, wiping away invisible tears. "But mother, we must move on. Now, Ellie tells me I need more protection?"

Former queen Vivian nodded, pulling away from her husband, and pushed back her flowing black curls from her face. "Yes, dear. I don't want this happening to you and together Alice and I have picked out a team from a very reputable military contractor." Oriel's eyes darted to her fathers' and then to her mothers' own handmaiden and advisor, Alice. So, her father didn't help pick them out? Of course not. She knew he wasn't too fond of humans but not as much as herself. She didn't go out of her way to treat them differently but she didn't like them. She didn't even have any human friends. Hell, she hadn't ever grown up around them either. They only existed outside the walls of her home and school, easy to pick out from the vampires. They smelled like food and were awfully clumsy, visibly weaker than species. She couldn't believe her mother was doing this.

Alice soon came around with a laptop, a group of five displayed on the screen. "A human team?"

Vivian's eyes met her daughters' in a glare. "Yes, human. They are the best in the field and even outrank some vampires. Besides, the vampire military academy didn't have any graduates that stood out to us this year."

Oriel huffed, growling, and began pacing the room. "But mother! Humans are not as strong and they die so often and so easily. You want weaklings keeping your daughter safe? The new queen?" Oriel argued

"Oriella Cosette Brix. Listen to me." The former queen announced in her haughty voice. Oriel's eyes cut over to her mother, anger rolled off her in waves.

"They will protect you as best they can and we think they are a great match, don't we honey?" Vivian turned to her father and he nodded.

"They are a good match, I think you'll take a liking to them. Besides, they'll do whatever you say, dearest." He winked.

Oriel fought to hide her smirk at the sound of that and she shrugged. "Fine, let's see them."

Alice turned the laptop around for Oriel to view the screen. Oriel narrowed her eyes as she took note of the four men and one woman present on the screen. They looked nice in black she had to admit. She studied each of them quickly but her eyes lingered on the woman a bit longer. She was blonde and had short shoulder-length hair, full lips, enticing almond-shaped eyes, and a cute slender nose. Her jaw-line looked to be that of a model and she had high cheekbones. She was pretty for a human. Oriel narrowed her eyes once more at her. She was 29. "Ash Sollers is the one that will be with you the most." Her mother said, pointing to the blonde. Oriel rose a brow, Ash? That's a male's name. She looked below their pictures finally noticing their names in tiny print. "Ash isn't short for anything?"

Her mother shook her head. "I suppose not."

Oriel took the computer from Alice and began looking over their information much more closely now. Their names were Alexander, Rique, Christian, Ash, and Damion. They all had exceptional skills, trained in different forms of martial arts and each had unique talents that would aid in protecting her. 

Oriel bit her lip and shrugged. If this was the best they could give her, she figured they'll have to work. "Well, alright." She handed the computer back.

"It's settled then?" Vivian asked. "Yes." Oriel nodded and walked back over to stand beside Eleanor.

"Excellent. I'll have them meet you at the mansion tomorrow when you get home."

Oriel nodded and sucked in a breath before exhaling. Great.


The ceremony was long, and Oriel was getting tired of people hugging her and telling her they were sorry for her loss. She watched as Nina's friends and their relatives laid roses onto her casket. Her parents couldn't bear to speak or say anything about their daughter and instead, a song was sung, Nina's favorite. Oriel studied her nails as the familiar tune of Mortician's Daughter by Black Veil Brides echoed throughout the cemetery just as it began raining. Oriel fought the urge to growl as Eleanor put up an umbrella to shield the Princess from the rain. After the song was over it was time to leave and Oriel couldn't be happier. She took one last stare at the casket before turning away and walking over to her limo. She snuggled into her jacket, annoyed at herself for wearing a dress, and prepared to get into the limo. She was tired and wanted to go home. There was nothing to do here, besides she had her new company to worry about. She sighed heavily as she slid into the limo and suddenly her phone began going off. "Hey, Nat." She spoke somberly into the phone. "Oh, hey, Oriel. How are you? I heard about what happened to your sister. I'm so sorry."

"I'm doing fine and it's alright, don't worry about it. We weren't too close anyway." Oriel rolled her eyes. "Yeah, but I know those things can be hard."

"Yeah well, I'm getting by and speaking of getting things. My mother got me a team of bodyguards." Oriel shuddered, rolling her eyes.

"What? Wow, that's good, though, right? More protection for you."

"It's very good, it's just.. they're human." She whispered.

"Oh, well, I'm sure they're good. I know your mom wouldn't have gotten them if she thought they wouldn't do a good job."

"You're right I suppose. I have to deal with that when I get home."

"Oh ok, I'm glad you're doing alright, and hey! My party is tomorrow night, I hope you can still go. See you later!"

"Me too, bye!" As Oriel ended the call the limo had stopped moving and she got out of the car as the door was opened for her. She followed Ellie into the hotel and into the elevator, a royal guard tagged along. Oriel yawned and sighed. "Tired?"

"I just want to get tomorrow over with."

"Don't be worried about them, your highness. I'm sure they'll do a great job. I mean who knows, maybe you'll take a liking to them." Ellie smiled and shrugged as the elevator door opened. "I'll have your dinner over shortly, have a good night, Oriel."

"Goodnight." Oriel waved lazily and walked into her room, closing the door on the royal guard that took his post outside her room. She began peeling her clothes off and washed the makeup off her face before getting ready for bed. She stayed up long enough to wait for her dinner, taking her fill of a human male who had volunteered to be her personal blood bag for her stay here and she quickly sent him out. Slight anxiety filling her for the impending meeting the next day. She didn't think it would be too bad but she definitely didn't want to do it. Oh well, at least she had her coronation to look forward to. She turned off the light and closed her eyes for sleep.

Morning came quickly and Oriel's alarm went off way too early. She ran a hand through her twisted bedhead and walked into the bathroom for a shower.

When Oriel got out Eleanor had texted her, saying she'd be leaving soon, skipping breakfast. Oriel groaned, she could use a fresh drink but she could go without for a few days if she needed, not that she wanted too. She packed up and was soon walking out of the door with Eleanor and a few royal guards. She made her way into the limo and was whisked away to the airplane bound for Colorado.

The plane ride couldn't end quicker and finally landed in Denver and a limo arrived to take them back to Moonview.

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