Chapter 11: I Will Back You Up, I Will Show You Love

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//Sorry much shorter chapter but hopefully just as good. Don't hesitate to tell me if something's off or doesn't make sense although i try to make things flow well. Title credits: New Fear- Lights, above is a picture of Oriel's dress.//


Ashton awoke in her hospital bed, the sun peered in through the curtains and squinted, yawning and moved to sit up before her arm begged her not to as pain spread throughout her limb. She gritted her teeth and groaned, reaching over to grab her phone and press the button for more pain medication. She had several emails from Christian and Damion and a few more from the Protection Facility. She opened them, skimming over them before calling Christian. "So, what did you find out?"

"The vampire said that Ancel, the alpha male of the pack offered them something in return for their help. The humans would be granted Lycanthropy after they completed their mission and the vampire, a chance to be a hybrid."

"Odd, I've never heard of such a thing."

"Me either. We think it was a lie to get them to help. Of course, it would be smart to have humans and vampires helping them, so they could be spies and get close to the Queen and in the Academy. Speaking of, we found something that was overlooked earlier. An email was sent out to the teachers and officers that didn't attend the Valentine's Dance. It was sent by an anonymous email but was signed with a fake official signature from a 'Rico Morte' a fake alias we assumed and tracked down the email to a computer located in the Crosse household not far from the school. Does the name Reznor mean anything to you or Oriel?"

Ash gasped. She knew he was bad news. He had been working with them this entire time and he tried to get close to Oriel. Ash was glad she never allowed it but angry with herself for not having them investigate him as well. She should have had them investigate all of her friends. "Holy shit, he went on a date with Oriel a few months back, shit. Do you know where he's at now?"

"We've tried contacting his parents but his mom said he went out to see a friend last night."

Ash ran a hand through her hair. "What friend, we need to find him now and take him in to custody."

"His parents don't know."

"Fuck, how's Oriel, is she okay?"

"As far as I.." Ash heard a beep come in through the call and she noticed she had another call coming in.

"Hold on, Chris, it's Alex."

Ash switched calls quickly. "Yes? Is Oriel alright."

"Um, well.."

Ash's eyes widened. "What?"

"Uh, she's not in her room."

"Did you check the house?" Her heart began to pound. "Yep, Rique had the British vamps do it as soon as they showed up. She's not here.."

"You lost her!?"

"No, no. She ran away.. we checked the cameras and she slid out of her window last night and ran off."

"I thought you were watching her!?" Ash yelled and she gripped the phone tight. "I-I was, kinda."

"Alexander! Check her friends houses and call her parents. Send everyone out to find her. Reznor was fucking working for that wolf pack and they can't find him either. I'll find a way out of here." She ended the call, switching back to Christian. "Oriel's missing which only means Reznor could have something to do with that, although I don't know how. They said she left her room, there were no signs of anyone else. But please find her."

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