Chapter 1: I'll Be Reigning in No Time [Revised Version]

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Jaws clamped down on a delicate pale throat, screams finally got off and blood poured onto the floor as the animal-like creature ripped the young vampire queen's throat out. The werewolf smirked, grabbing a napkin off the table to wipe his mouth. He slowly shifted back to his human form-ears, tail, claws, fangs, and fur all vanished-fading away into pale skin. He looked up as paws padded down the carpeted stairs and another wolf emerged, fading into his human form as well. Another wolf walked in from the outside, holding a gun to his side. "All finished, Trent?"

"Yep, easy enough. The vamps are getting weak these days." Trent motioned to the queen's royal guards on the floor, bodies mangled and torn to shreds, blood was everywhere and seeped into the floorboards. "Are they dead?" Trent asked, looking up at Peter who just left the bottom step, he nodded, grinning to reveal a mouth full of blood and fangs that were slowly vanishing. "You know we aren't supposed to eat them.." Trent rolled his eyes at his packmate.

"You know he's weird, and hungry let's just go before they figure it out. You know someone's gonna come by to check on her." Nathan urged them, jerking his gun towards the door. "I think we did a good job." Peter rattled off as he followed suit quickly. A very good job, Trent thought and looked around. However, it seemed too quiet to him. He walked outside and down the stairs, leaving the tiny luxury home. He watched as they packed up the truck and got inside. "Trenton! Let's go!"

"Don't you think it's weird?"

"What?" Nathan rolled his eyes. "You'd think she'd have more protection, right?"

"Well let's be glad she didn't, or we'd be dead. So, come on."

Trent ran over to the truck and leaped into the back. Nathan revved up the engine and backed out of the driveway before speeding onto the main road. This ought to have the vampires running screaming. Their next heir couldn't handle this and once one kingdom fell, the rest would follow. They'd be reigning supreme in no time.


The school day was going by unbelievably slow and Oriel busied herself with her phone as her history instructor went on and on about the Vampire/Human war in the dark ages. She rolled her eyes. She already knew about this, it was what shaped the future between vampires and humans forever and now there were two dominant species, vampires and humans but of course, vampires were much more superior. Oriel began to smile, crossing her legs as she looked up and the smile turned into a smirk. Her instructor was now talking about the treaty that sealed a truce between vampires and humans-proposed by vampires-of course. They were smart, elegant, faster, stronger, and better than humans in every way possible. Oriel went on to smile over at her best friend Natalie who hurried to send a text and Oriel's phone vibrated in her hand. Doing anything this weekend? It read and Oriel looked over and shook her head. Just the normal, why? She sent back. "Ladies." The instructor glared over at the Princess and her friend. Oriel fought the urge to roll her eyes and turned to put her phone away. As the teacher turned back to her lesson, someone walked inside. They were a student, probably the hall monitor telling her about some commotion outside. But Oriel noticed they looked over to her a few times as they whispered back and forth. The student turned to leave, and the teacher turned back to Oriel. She rose a brow as the teacher sighed, her mouth twisting into a frown and she looked like someone just killed her cat.. What? She wanted to say but the teacher gestured towards the door. "Ms. Brix, you are dismissed for the day." The instructor stated before turning back to her lesson. Oriel's brows furrowed and she looked over to Natalie who shrugged. What did they catch them texting on camera and sent a student to kick her out? She just saw them.. and was this any way to treat a princess? Oriel huffed, grabbing her bookbag, phone and walked out of the classroom; heels clicking on her way out. What was going on? It had to be urgent if they were taking her out of class. Nothing gets any of the students out of Moonview Academy so quickly, the private all-royal vampire and hybrid vampire school prided itself on its academics but most importantly discipline and punctuality.

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