The Vampire Queen's A Bitch

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//The first two chapters or so from Ash's point of view. ^.^ Probably won't continue this, wrote it just for fun. c: thanks for reading!!

Ash was panting by the time she got home, now finished with her regular morning run. Her phone pinged as she walked inside, sweat ran down into her sports bra and she was relieved as the cold air washed over her. She closed the door and took her phone out as she began walking upstairs and into her room for a shower. It was a meme from Alex, one of her best friends. She cracked a smile, shaking her head at the tech joke and put her phone onto her dresser as she quickly stripped her clothes away. She was happy to get back to her normal routine, waking up to a vegan shake, yoga, morning run; shower and then she'd hit the gym and so on. It had been two months since her last assignment back in California, she and her team were called to protect a rising celebrity for almost an entire year and then their contract ended. She was glad, she was such a brat. She hadn't ever watched someone that was so needy. She sighed in content as she stepped into the water, the slightly cool water woke her up a bit more and washed the grim away from her run and soothed her muscles. She began lathering her loofa up before washing over her body and then added shampoo into her blonde hair. She almost done with her shower when she heard her phone go off again but it gradually got louder and louder. Soon 'Diamonds Aren't Forever' by Bring Me The Horizon came on and she rose a brow. That was her work email ringtone. She huffed softly and rinsed herself off before turning off the water and stepped out to grab her towel. She wrapped it around her quickly as she ran over to her phone. It had stopped singing by now and she unlocked it to open up her thousands of emails. It was an official email from the National Vampire Guard. An Alice Liddell wanted to speak with her on important matters involving the former queen of North America. Ash bit her cheek. That sounded interesting. She quickly emailed them back, saying she was available to talk at the moment and in a few moments she received another email from Alice Liddell. They looked her and her team up and wished for them to protect their daughter until further notice and that they wished to speak with her through a video chat as soon as possible. Ash swallowed, raising a hand to scratch the back of her neck. Wow, the vampires wanted them-humans-to watch their daughter? She emailed back her skype name and hurried to get dressed. She put on a nice shirt and no pants before sitting down at her desk with her laptop. She signed in and pulled up skype and like clock work she began getting a call from Ms. Liddell.

Ash sighed, knowing she didn't have time to put on makeup and her hair was still wet, she hoped she looked alright. She pressed the green button and a pale woman in a pantsuit popped up. "Hello, Ashton Sollers?" She asked in a thick British accent. "Yes, ma'am. Just Ash, please. I understand you're requesting my teams services for official business?"

"Yes. The former queen of North America wants you and your team to protect their daughter, the Princess but soon to be Queen of North America."

Ash fought the urge to gasp lightly and clenched her teeth.

"Can it be done?"

"Uh, yes, I can get ahold of my team. How soon do you need us?"

"As soon as you can, please. The former queen is worried for her daughter's life. But if you could have a quick chat with them now, they'd be delighted."

"Oh of course I can." Ash smiled softly. This was going to be very interesting, she never protected someone so high up on the totem pole before.

Ash swallowed, getting slightly nervous when the video suddenly changed to a pair of vampires. A woman with long curly black hair, smiled softly. Her eyes seemed to be puffy from crying and the gentlemen next to her looked intimidating and gave a slight smile that almost looked like a scowl. If Ash didn't know any better, she'd say he was glaring. "Oh, hello, Ms. Sollers. It's very nice to meet you."

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