About Vampires

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//Something I thought I might add. (: 

The vampires in this story are unique to just this story. They aren't like the ones in His Red Eyes or any of my other works. As said by Oriel in chapter 6, vampires were made by the vampire goddess Cressida. Created with her blood, she saw how weak the humans were and how easily the werewolves overtook them and so she gave her blood to a group of humans that were hiding from a pack of werewolves in 1100AD and so became the very first vampires. Werewolf origin is a whole other story, caused by a mutation and experiments gone wrong..

All vampires are pale, dead, have deep red eyes and are reanimated by the magic in Cressida's blood that flows through all of them. They live forever; have super speed, strength, heightened senses and heal very quickly. They can even pull themselves back together if needed. The sun doesn't affect them like in movies or books, they don't sparkle or burn (ignite into flames). They can suffer from extreme sunburns and do get headaches, as Oriel further explains. Garlic doesn't harm them. A stake through the heart that's blessed with holy water can kill them as well as decapitation or loss of their heart. Anything blessed with holy water such as bullets, knives..etc. can either kill them if aimed correctly or do some damage. Vampires take extra long to heal from these wounds which can range from a few hours to months. A vampires' bodily functions still work because of the magic. They can eat normal human food, but it does not sustain them like blood does. They must have blood to survive or they grow ravenous. They can live without blood for about a month or two before going insane and turning into monsters. As you constantly read in the book, they like eating raw food, adds flavor to normal human food and can sustain them almost as well as blood can but they still need blood to live. Normal human food used to be for appearances before the Vampire Revolution in 1970. They can't eat their own species or human flesh but do share blood with other vampires although that's for intimate purposes only. By drinking another vampire's blood they form a connection with them and are able to read their thoughts, know their feelings, memories..etc. but only momentarily. Vampires can have children and can turn other vampires by biting with the intentions of turning which allows venom to flow from their fangs into their victim. Humans can be turned back into humans after being a vampire, but it can only be done by a select few elder vampires. Turned vampires stop aging at the time they are bitten. Born vampires cannot turn into humans. Born vampires stop aging according to genetics. The pituitary gland in a vampire's brain usually stops the aging process somewhere around 18-30's age range. As vampires most alluring asset is their appearance and so must be appealing to attract their natural prey, humans. The transformation from human to vampire usually lasts a few hours to half a day in which the victim's human part dies and is brought back to life by magic in the vampire's venom leaving the human now a vampire when they awaken. The part that dies in the human is their humanity among their own body, but the magic brings them back to life and replaces their humanity with a vampire's nature. Vampires are predators, naturally dominating creatures and are designed to divide and conquer their enemies and rise to the top of society as Cressida intended them to be. Werewolves are their natural enemies and a werewolf bite can kill a vampire as a vampire bite can kill a werewolf. Vampires naturally think themselves higher than other species as well as more sophisticated and overall a better species. Vampiresdo have feelings/emotions and do feel temperature, especially heat, however thecold doesn't affect them as badly as humans. They wear a special sunscreen tocombat the sun's UV rays. Their alcohol tolerance is also much better than ahumans. Vampire blood can heal others and there's no rule against healingpeople with vampire blood but drinking too much can mess with the recipient'sgenetic code, altering their DNA.

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