Chapter 4: Leap of Faith

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~° With sorrow and decision in our hearts °~
We show the will to move on....
No one mustn't be deprived of his life,


Mariana's heart heaved heavily. She felt like this death had now caused a black hole within her, and she felt like a part of her had been ripped away without her consent.

She had a sense of abandonment and lost. Her body felt hollow as she didn't care about the cold tears that slowly dripped down her cheek. She hardly felt them as they just felt like a pinch of ice on her skin.

Micah wasn't sure on what to do so he just wrapped his arms around her for comfort. She flinched at his sudden gesture and almost pushed him away, but then changed her mind as she needed someone to lean on right now. So she just continued to stare far head as she couldn't care about anything else right now.

Why did Xavier have to do this? What did they do to deserve this? All the years in her childhood, her mother and him always remained close, even after she left the mafia in his hands to have her and marry her father. But even after that, Xavier never used to be this cruel...

"Mariana your uncle is here!" Her mom called out.

Mariana came running down the stairs, giggling in excitement.

When she reached the living room, her Uncle Xavier was standing at the front door.

"Hi, Uncle Xavier!" She squealed and ran into his hug.

"Hello, my Mariana!" He bent down and gave her a bear hug.

"Did you bring anything for me?" She asked innocently.

"Sorry honey, not today."

"Aww," he held her down.

He carried her into the living room and sat down on the couch. He used one hand and pulled out a ruby heart-shaped necklace.

"Surprise my baby girl!"

"Eeek! Thank you!" She screamed.

He put it around her neck and the ruby was shining brightly.

"I love it!"

"I love it too and it suits you."

"Thank you, Uncle!" She hugged him tightly.

"Your welcome honey."

Mariana was pulled out of her reverie when she heard the creak of a door opening. She looked up and Xavier came towards her with a tray of food. She growled as her lower body slightly shook. She couldn't believe the monster that he had become and his presence just filled her with hate.

He put the food beside her and glared at how she was staring at him. "You better stop looking at me like that Mariana or I'll just throw this whole thing in the trash can."

"It's probably got more drugs in it anyway," she mumbled under her breath.

"What did you just say to me?" He came closer until he was only inches away, daring her to repeat her sentence. His hot, alcoholic breath was breathing down her neck, making her wanting to puke.

She didn't turn to look at his face, for she was too disgusted to look at the person she once considered family, but turned his back when he decided to terrorise them and even kill and take advantage of them.

"You better watch your mouth young lady, if you know what's good for you," Xavier warned.

Mariana still didn't say anything but scowled in response. He just sighed and shook his head as he backed away. He didn't have time and didn't even want to be bothered to deal with her right now.

"I'll deal with you later; I have better business to take care of."

He started walking towards the door and before leaving, he turned towards Micah. "Make sure she doesn't leave; I'll need her for later."

"Yes sir," Micah replied but his mind was wondering on when he was going to leave, and when he was finishing so he can get Mariana out.

"Good," he nodded in approval at him and gave Mariana one final glare before leaving.

"Finally," she exhaled and then turned to face Micah. "I got another question."

"Yeah? What do you wanna ask?"

"What am I doing in this surgery room thing?"

"Well, the boss only needs you for a couple of days, and then he's completely done with you."

"So, what does it have to do with this?" She asked, pointing at the tubes.

"Um... well..." he scratched the back of his head awkwardly. His eyes struggled to maintain eye contact so he either looked towards the ground or at the wall.

"In the file, it said that he injected some virus into you that gradually kills you over the next few days."

"Wait what?!" She couldn't believe this. How was this all happening to her? What did she ever do to deserve this? First she got raped, and now she's going to die in a few days. This was no way to live.

She was seriously thinking why would Xavier go to great lengths just to hurt them. Was this all because they couldn't meet his little deadline?

Her head hit the door as she let out an sigh of exhaustion. Her eyes felt dead as she looked up at the dreary ceiling. She felt like her whole world was spiralling out of control, like she was trying to hold onto something tight in her hands but it was slipping out faster than she could stop it.

With her family dead and all, it was better if she was dead herself. After all, there was nothing to look forward to, was there?

She was all alone in the world, might as well go.

While she had her pallid face, laid still on the pillow, he watched her with an sympathetic look. He felt deeply sorry for her, seeing someone getting everything taken away from them in a matter of seconds was not a good sight to see. He felt that if he could get her out, he could at least make her last few days worthwhile and also get an antidote to remove the virus.

He fiddled with his fingers as he hoped his next sentence would offer some sort of comfort.

"I have an idea if your interested." He let go of her and stood beside the bed.

She sniffed and looked up at him with her crimson, swollen eyes.

"I can get you out of here tonight if you want, and then we can find a cure together."

"Really?" She was a bit skeptical of his sudden interest in wanting to help her. "Is there really a cure?"

"Yeah, I know where Xavier got the thing from, it's somewhere near Spain, so I'm sure if we go there then we can get something to get of it. He doesn't really need you right now, so we have time to escape when my shift ends."

"Um... I don't know..." she didn't know whether to go with him or not. He seemed nice enough but he didn't know how far or how long that will last, or if he was just faking it.

"What's your plan exactly of getting out of here?"

"Well, I know this old entrance that nobody uses and I'm sure it has an exit there. I can take you there after my shift, and help you escape to my car and then take you to my house to have a little rest."

"Um... I'm not sure..." she was highly uncomfortable going with him, considering he worked for her uncle. But it seemed like she didn't have much of a choice because if she's stays here, Xavier does more unthinkable things to her. Whereas, Micah was offering her escape, and possible a way to remove the virus so it was better than nothing and she really had nothing to lose at this point.

So, taking a great leap of faith, she agreed.


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