"Dream, do you have any final thoughts?" Tubbo asked me to change the conversation back to the reason we were there. My eyes flickered in the sun or maybe it was because I knew what was about to happen. I was about to make the president decide in my benefit.

I cleared my throat, grasping onto that purity I had forced into my tone earlier "Uhm, no. I guess I just wanted to hear what your decision was. What you guys came to. What you, y'know. I've calmed down a little bit over the last couple of days that I had to sit and think about what Tommy did, what Tommy threatened me, and I've calmed down a little bit."

"Okay well, I'm about to say something that- "

"You don't seem very calm." Tommy interrupted again. Everything was going the way it should go. He just couldn't help himself when it came to me and it grinded on his friend.

"Oh, I'm very calm" I smirked.

"Really?" Tommy was trying to provoke me to say something, but I wouldn't snap.


"Okay" he said, looking down at the obsidian and then exchanging looks with Quackity.

"Look around." Tubbo instructed me.

I glanced around at the new L'manburg. The new houses were quite pretty. My gaze fell onto the walls I had so proudly built to keep the L'manburg residents inside after Tommy destroyed George's house. I convinced myself this was for him. "There's obsidian walls."

"There is, there is Dream. That's a problem okay? For too long Dream we- "

I silenced him. It was time to deliver my final words to him that would seal the deal for me. "Tubbo," I said, calmly asking for his attention.

"Yeah." His innocent eyes focused on me.

I had it.

"I trust you; I trust..." Don't mess this up Dream. "You're the best leader that L'manburgs ever had. I trust that you'll always make the best decisions for L'manburg as a gracious leader. I trust that whatever decision you came to, was the best one for L'manburg." I had stumbled on my words slightly, but I knew it had still worked by the shameful look he adorned across his face.

He hummed and began chuckling to himself. "Y'know this is funny actually, I'm sorry Tommy." Still laughing he turned to face the suspect "I'm sorry."

"Dream you- "Tommy called out, thinking this was the moment they were all going to exclaim a rebellion.

"Tommy." Tubbo firmly said, making sure that his companion was listening to him. "I am, I am so so sorry." I couldn't help but smirk firmly in their direction as he continued. "Dream, I've come to the decision that it'll be best for the nation, the most logical thing to do, for Tommy to be exiled from L'manburg."

A gasp came from behind them as Quackity shouted out "What?!"

I was holding in my laughter, highly amused by the faces around me. I had done it. I had got exactly what I wanted and he still thinks this was his decision.

"Teaming with Technoblade is an awful idea," Tubbo's voice now getting louder.

"We just had this conversation!" Fundy cried out in an angry yet desperate way.

I had enjoyed Fundy's company once, but he was an important pawn in my rise to power. I didn't want to hurt him or use him, but things had to be done for my greater good.

"No! No! Okay." The boy continued to shout out to the other three who were rambling frantically about what he had just exclaimed.

Quackity stepped forward, "What're you doing Tubbo?"

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