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Daura palace,katsina

Sometimes in life we made decisions at pulse which we didn't give much thought and that single decision might end up haunting us in the process especially when our loved ones happiness is at stake.

Guiltiness is an understatement of what hayra had felt for the last ten days.

She thought she'd made the right decision when she called Amma and told her how Tasneem and Hamma Hetch can't stand each other despite being cousins and leaving under the same roof.

But everything changed after Amma called and asked them to take the next flight after their last exams.

And here they're both suffering from the consequences of her snitch after Amma had made her own decision clear to them.

The woman thought she's doing good by this for she'd be damn to let her own blood split apart.

And seeing how the once bubbly Tasneem has change in just two weeks made her regret her plan,she thought it's for the best that's why she asked Amma to do this.

So today she asked her mum to allow her go to daura to visit Tasneem and she gave her the permission and now she's on her way to daura,she had to tell Tasneem the truth if not guilt will kill her,Tasneem doesn't pick her call anymore and when she sent her message she doesn't reply back,she'd asked iman and Aisha and they'd assured her that they talk on phone everyday even though by the look of it she's down and depressed.


On reaching the palace,Hayra decided to head to the queen's chamber first to greet her majesty,the woman is more of a mother to her than aunt,with her being her mother's best friend and her father's younger sister.

"Barkan ku dai"she greeted the women that are sitting along with the queen in her chamber then headed to where to the queen is.

"Barka da yini your majesty"she bowed as she greeted her,she knew she can't be all lovey with her since she's in her palace and to top it all amidst this 'association of show-ups' that's how she and the girls refer them to,only few of them are here for the sake of Allah.

"Barka dai Hayra"the queen answered

"Ahhh gimbiya Hayra,how's the queen"a fair woman adorned with gold jewelry's all over her body ask Hayra of her mother.

"She's fine"she answered and headed to Tasneem's room.

"Assalamu alaiki"She headed to where Tasneem was curled up on her bed and staring at space lost at her track.

"Teeeeee!"she tap her in order to bring her back to her reverie.

"Ohh Hayra"she said and turned to the other side,which made Hayra tongue tied.

"Seriously Tasneem,just 'ohhh Hayra' like I'm nothing to you,I took a whole journey just to come and see you,but I received this as a welcome" Hayra boomed.

"And who the hell cares if you're here or not,both you and your self centered heart and self centered brother can hug the transformer,I don't care" Tasneem yelled.

"Tee I don't like it when we fight especially when I'm the reason behind it,Let's talk please" she grabbed Tasneem's hand while the later turned her head away as she tried to calm herself down.

"I'm here to confess to what I did" Tasneem didn't respond and she decided to go on without waiting for her response.

"I-i i don't know how you'll take this" She stammered as she duck her head down.

"I'm the one behind this arranged marriage of yours,I was the one that initiated it and tell Amma about it,wallahi I thought it'll be for the best that's why" she burst into tears.

"I know right" that's the only thing Tasneem can come up with, she knew Hayra is behind all this even without anyone telling her,she knew very well how the girl's brain works sometimes.

"And who the hell told you, you had a right over me or a say in my life"

"I I'm really really sorry,if there's a word greater than sorry I'd use it now to tell you how awful I'm feeling,wallahi I didn't know this will be it outcome" but Tasneem doesn't seem like she cared.

"If you're done get out of my room,and don't ever show your face here again until your grandmother cancel this so called alliance" she didn't wait for Hayra's response before she stood up and headed to the balcony.

Tasneem's phone rang and she was elated to saw the caller, it was her darling Adda Mams that called, and that's how Adda Mamah spent an hour soothing and calming her down.

That's why amongst all her siblings she was more open to Adda mams because of her caring and loving nature unlike Adda suhayla, that one was more royalty and all.

Somewhere in Nigeria

"It's being a year Mairo,our work is about to spoil" ladi pace to and fro.

"It's all because of your carelessness and nothing else, now we have to travel to Niger wurin malamin nan kafin asirin mu ya tonu(to that malam's before our secret get spilled)" Mairo yelled.

They can't believe that what they spent years and money working on for years is now about to go down the drain.

"I heard what that old hag was planning to do"

"We must get away with anything that will hinder with our plans, we're leaving for Niger tomorrow" they finalized.

🔥🔥🔥this is where we get to the main events behind 'royal heirs'

How are you all doingnot me giving myself back to back updates💀😂I'm literally just writing this book for myself to read💧


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