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Rugar waru, Sokoto

She was seated at the river bank, with her gaze settled on the the sunset and the birds chirping, flying from one tree to another like she do all the time, for she had always been fascinated with nature's finest artwork, like what's more therapeutic than this? with all the dramas going on in her life, this is her only comfort zone.

Unfortunately for her, her reality escape was cut short by none other than her younger sister.

"Safna!"Zainab yelled out her name with venom dripping like molten magma in her voice.

And this is who she grew up to call a sister,
She often wonders if Zainab truly deserves the title sister, Ain't sisters meant to love, accept, and stand by each other? Zainab is the whole opposite of such.

She looked up to where she stood above her sending daggers her way like she was ready to pounce on her.

To avoid her sister's drama, she got up, dusted her wrapper, and left for her house, definitely to face another awful drama with her mother.

Safna huffed before getting into the house, for there's no reason to call it a home, it's not worthy of the word 'home' because this place is anything but home.

"Am I not talking to you?" Her mother's voice cut through her train of thought and she raised her eyes to meet her mother's fuming face.

And that's how an hour went by with her mother cursing her existence.

While she just stared into the unknown, this was not the first after all neither will it be the last, that she's sure of.


She got drowned in her pool of thoughts like always as she reasoned her whole life, She wondered if the woman outside was indeed her birth mother.

Not to mention the stigma she faced in her community, but why would she care when She faced the same within her own family which is supposed to be her comfort zone?

But all for what exactly? No other reason but the mystery that She is, she often wonders if She's truly human-like they all say.

She's still in her lying position on the bare floor when Zainab's and Umma's laughter from outside cuts through her reverie.

That's the kind of relationship she always craved to have with her mother.

Even though she knew nothing of such will ever happen not in this life at least, for her hopes are long gone and buried beneath her poor soul.

But a human can only wish!


The duo quickly trudge into the already full classroom using the back door.

Safna knew this was exactly what they were going to meet that's why she asked Sadiya to stop waiting for her.

But will the stubborn girl ever listen, that's why she can never trade this girl for the whole world.

They stood at the far end of the hall due to how choked the class was.

The math class lasted for an hour before they all headed out to look for what to eat since they had no other class afterward until later in the day.

Perks of being the final year student!

She didn't have enough money with her so she decided she'd keep her hunger to herself but Sadiya refused to buy that so she bought both of them food.

She knew that she'd forever be indebted to Sadeeya.

A girl with a golden heart who loves for the sake of Allah alone.

And what more will she ask for?

They were deep in conversation when a classmate of theirs approached them with a wide smile and joined in their conversation.

That's how she informed them of a fully funded scholarship program that'll take place soon.

They were all elated to hear that, for they all want to change the environment for their further studies.

They all have a hope of getting the scholarship because they'd all been looking for an opportunity to leave that state.

Safna has one thought running through her mind, will Umma ever allow her to secure that opportunity?

She needs a break from all these dramas in her life for it has reached an extent that She feels brainwashed, She can't remember a thing from her past.

Ya, Rahman!

She's a girl full of dreams but will Umma ever let her chase them?

Sadiya once asked her if that woman is truly her mother but isn't that obvious?

Their looks might be different but they still look alike weirdly and scarily which freaks her out sometimes.

She's a mystery and no doubt a puzzle that She wants to fix herself.

But how?

She stared at her untouched food as all the things She'd discussed with Umma earlier kept playing in her mind, She can still recall when She got back from school with high spirits and UMMA asked why She was so happy.

She told her about the scholarship hoping she'd be by her side even if it was for once.

That's how her mother informed her of her plan to marry her off to Audu waru

"Umma Audu waru of all people, for God's sake he's a drunkard" she had stated the obvious with eyes already full of tears,

"You're such an ungrateful person, you're supposed to rejoice that he's going to manage you" she hissed and left,

So tell me how can a mother possibly do this to her child?

she promises herself this time around that not even her mother nor her minions can stop her.

she can also be strong-headed if She wants after all she's her mother's daughter, and stubbornness runs in their blood.

This is the edited version of chapter one🤍if you haven't read this book before I took it down then welcome,and if you had read it then I'll urge you to read the edited version because it's gonna be more dope insha Allah🤍you know I don't disappoint right?

Zahratus Sahara🌺

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