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He slowly but majestically descended the stairs and headed directly to the nearest sofa, he grabbed his phone that's placed on the center table beneath a book he was reading and entered his photos app then went directly to his favorite album, he didn't scroll much before he found what he's looking for, because he doesn't have many pictures in the favorite album.

"Yarima!"Asad tapped his zoned-out friend, this has become the usual whenever the former is staring at that particular picture.

"What again Asad" Yarima lazily grumble wondering why Asad is disturbing his life early this morning.

Asad sat on the sofa next to his friend, he had to put his senses into his friend's skull it seemed like he was running mad or didn't believe in qadr.

"First of all drop that phone" Asad commanded, he's the only one with the audacity to command him.

No! He's not scared of him he just has immense respect for him, he does respect people who tell him the truth without minding his status or whatsoever.

Though he's not a level higher than Asad.

"Now what" Hammad once again grumbled acting like a grumpy pregnant woman.

"You have to get your act together and believe in destiny, don't forget you're a Muslim, and it's said 'you're not a true believer if you don't believe in qadr either good or bad' Then why are you like this, why?" Asad finished with a hint of anger in his voice, why is his friend like this,

He has to wake up.!

"You do not understand Asad, you're not in my shoes remember?"

"Do you or do not believe in qadr?" Asad asked his friend

"I do of course, but I can feel it in me, Asad, this is not the end of the story" he replied

"Allahu yahdika" Asad prayed, it's very obvious that his friend was running mad so he needed deliverance.


Daura palace, katsina

Tasneem was sitting on the loveseat that's on the balcony, sipping her chai and scrolling through her Instagram feed, she noticed that she was tagged in a post and decided to open it.

Her eyes popped up when she read the caption and she started laughing like a person that escaped from an asylum.

She laughed so hard that she ended up spilling her chai, but boy she didn't care, it was a rumor about her wedding being fixed, if only they knew how boyfriendless she was.

Just then she heard the sound of sirens, which indicated the arrival of the sarkin zazzau she immediately rushed to her room and almost tripped when she noticed her maid whom she wasn't expecting.

"Raliya why don't you salaamed before entering this room," she asked glaring at Raliya, not that she's rude no! She's anything but rude, she's just trying to correct her maid. She considers Raliya as a friend rather than a palace maid.

"Sorry gimbiya Tasneem, your queen mother asked me to give you this, that you should put it on before coming down, and she said you have to be fast" she said passing her an alkyabba.

She comes out from her dressing room and checks herself in the vanity in her room, she's dressed in a simple A shape gown then puts on the alkyabba on top, and rounds the dressing up with a red turban since her dress is also red and her alkyabba black with red embroidery, someone can mistake her for a cultist but she doesn't care, she slipped into her black half covers, really who peoples thought to help!.

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