Chapter Seventeen

Começar do início

"What are we doing?" Rory asked us as she looked around the darkened room like someone was going to walk in and catch us at any Moment.

"We're getting ice cream." Logan replied matter-of-factly.

"But the dining hall's closed. We're breaking in."

"That's a very negative way of looking at it." I said to her cheekily and she shot me a glare over her shoulder.

"How do you have a key to the dining hall?" Rory asked Logan as we walked further into the dining hall.

"I know a lot of very powerful locksmiths." Logan informed her and Colin and I laughed as we remembered some of the times we had used Logan's connection to break into places we weren't supposed to be.

"Well, what happens if we get caught? Could we get suspended? They can't kick you out of school for this, can they?"

"Hey, relax. Look around. For tonight this is all ours." Colin said in a calm voice as he held his arms out wide to indicate the entire hall.

"It is kind of cool." Rory admitted and I ran up to her and hugged her to my side.

"Wait till you see the kitchen." I mock-whispered to her and she giggled.

"Whoa! Oh, I've never seen the cereal completely full before. I'm never here early enough! I knew they had Cocoa Puffs." Rory said as she saw the full cereal dispensers.

"Go crazy, Ace." Logan told her from where he stood next to her.

"No, we're getting ice cream."

"There's no rule that says you can't have ice cream and cereal. Go on, get your Cocoa Puffs." Colin told her as he got a bowl of Froot Loops for himself and then passed me an empty bowl so that I could do the same.

"First Cocoa Puffs of the day. This is a historic Moment." Rory said with a giggle as she grabbed a bowl and filled to up with Cocoa Puffs. I filled my own bowl and then moved back to stand next to Colin.

"Open up." Colin ordered me and I gave him a confused look but complied anyway. He aimed a single Froot Loop towards my mouth but it missed and hit my cheek. I gasped playfully and he had the decency to look sorry. I laughed and opened my mouth so that he could try again. He aimed again and this time it went straight into my mouth. We both cheered as I chewed and jumped into Colin's open arms. He swung me around as we both laughed. Colin put me back on my feet and kissed me soundly.

"Okay. Next stop, ice cream." Logan said, interrupting Colin and my making out. Rory nodded her agreement as Colin and I parted and turned back to them. "What are you doing?" he asked Rory as she looked around for something and Colin and I watched her in confusion as well.

"I'm looking for the swipe machine so I can deduct points from my meal plan." Rory informed us.

"You're kidding, right?" I asked her with a scoff.

"Well, the school pays for the food."

"Trust me. With all the money my family has donated to this school, they can afford to be out of a few Cocoa Puffs. Let's go." Logan told her and grabbed her hand to pull her towards the kitchen where they kept the ice cream.

"This is fun." Rory said with a grin and I laughed at her.

"You should hang out with us more, Rory. this is nothing." I informed her as Colin and I walked passed her and Logan.

"You're an easy girl to please." Logan added and then pulled her into a kiss. I smirked at my twin and sister and best friend and couldn't help but feel that they were perfect together.

Pretty & Perfect Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora