Chapter 32 ⭐️

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This chapter goes through a million time skips but ima try to be very clear as I go along and label where we are at certain parts of the book lmao! Also, I hope you enjoy the art above!! 😏😏😏😏 I wonder who they are SANWJWJAJW

••Aug 20th, 2 months passed since the last chap••

Two months have passed since the moment Sasuke finally agreed to try for one last child. He was understandably still a bit hesitant about the whole thing, but Haru had anticipated his worries coming from a mile away.

That was why she scheduled an appointment with Tsuna and forced him to go with her so that he'd hear exactly from the fifth hokage herself how everything would work out. Of course, Tsunade didn't sugar coat anything and told him that Haru's situation was still really going through research.

Tsunade then went on to inform the couple that upon further research, Haru's situation differed from the cases of her fellow Oshiro clanswomen. "Differ how?" Had has asked with furrowed eyebrows, worried that now this was something that'd have Sasuke freeze up all over again.

"I don't want to say too much since right now we're only speculating, but from all of the information we've gathered you shouldn't be so worried, the odds are in your favor." Tsunade assured, putting both of their minds at ease.

After the appointment, Haru promised on the same day that if anything were to go wrong in the early stages, she would end the pregnancy. It helped, he wasn't as paranoid as before; But he still held that striking fear in the back of his head whenever someone brought it up

Since Sasuke was on board she decided to go off of birth control, but oddly enough she wasn't undergoing symptoms as quickly as she originally expected to. Like geez she felt like she got pregnant through two accidents with Katsu and Hiko, but now that she was trying she was having issues?

Just her luck....

She started feeling almost hopeless after two months of no results (Mostly because having the other two seemed so easy).

That was until now.

Haru was going through it, to say the least.

Ino hummed as she walked through the tall gates surrounding Haru and Sasuke's new home as if it were second nature. She had been passing by Haru's place almost every morning at that point, hanging out with her as much as possible before going off to work at the flower shop herself.

Since Sasuke was still a very important man with very important powers, he still had to go and do high leveled missions for Kakashi while Haru opted to hang out at home and be the kids instead of inserting herself in unnecessary dangers. This left Haru with a huge house and two little kids, so it was only natural that Ino upped the number of times she would visit.

However, Ino noticed that today was already different.

Normally, Haru would open the door with Hiko in her arms and Katsuro bouncing around in the background, but instead of the comedic sight, Ino is faced with Shinji opening the door.

Well, she supposed that she shouldn't have been too surprised, he is Haru's big brother after all, and the two were attached at the hip more often than not.

Shinji was a naturally intimidating guy to those who didn't know him thanks to his height and sharp gaze, (And because he was so pretty), but either way, Ino wasn't very fazed.

Honestly, Shinji was glad to see Ino despite the resting bitch face locked in his face. Shinji loved Haru, he really did, he'd die for her without hesitation, however, he's been taking care of her for hours and he just wants some sleep.

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