Chapter 8 ⭐️

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Author's note: I would like to note that in Legacy of a Senju, Haru was aware of Tobi's darker side, especially since he's the one who sealed Karasu in her. However, that's something I'm going to change within the series and edit in the old book later. As of this point Haru hasn't spoken to Tobi with his deep voice or anything, she just knows him as the silly mysterious guy who was once her partner in the Akatsuki! (Sorry for this long note just had to clarify before you started lol!)

--Haru's POV--

"I think. . .I think Katsuro might meet more than his grandpa today." I whisper, narrowing my eyes in the direction from which the eerily familiar chakra is coming from.

"Except this guy is from the other side of the family."

Isamu looks up at me curiously. "Do you think it's really him? What's even going on Haru? I thought you were off with Sasuke!"

"Someone is reanimating ninja from the past, my father included." gesturing to my father who's standing next to me as I explain.

Isamu turns to my father and looks him up and down, nodding at the sight. "Wow! The rumors are true! You guys do have similar noses!"

Eyes rolling at my summonings silliness, I ignore my dad's cheesy smile and continue to explain everything.

"He broke out of the jutsu since he knows the hand signs and found me by tracking my chakra. I came here because I wanted him to meet Katsuro before he returned to the warzone."

"So Yuudai, you believe that a disciple of Orochimaru is reanimating various ninja from the past?!" Isamu questions, to which Yuudai nods.

"Of course, it's a strong war tactic. Unless you seal us or mess with the person who caster the jutsu, the reanimated shinobi are indestructible! Kill us all you want but we'd regenerate." He explains.

My eyes remain locked towards the direction of the approaching chakra natures, not wanting to miss a second of his arrival.

"Then it really is him." I whisper.

Isamu looks up at his summoner in slight worry, "Haru, are you going to be okay?" He questions, knowing that when the last time the two met, there was a wreckage of emotions on my end.

"Are you kidding me? If he's come back to this world I need to see him." My heart beats quicker the longer I speak, the idea of seeing this man again creating a whirlwind of emotions within me.

"who is this person we're talking about?" Yuudai asks, eyeing the way I have yet to blink ever since I've sensed the chakra coming our way.

He notices my body tense up, and then the man of the hour finally appears from the trees into the clearing, Yuudai's jaw drops and my breath hitches as he's directly in front of us.


The last time I saw him....

You'll be okay. You know that right?" He rhetorically asks.

I pull myself away from him softly to look him in the eye "P-please tell me this is a nightmare." I whisper pleadingly. His eyes hold no coldness like they once did when featuring his cold and ruthless persona. They only hold warmth as they stare into mine. He brings his hand up to my forehead and flicks it teasingly making me flinch a little.

"Hey remember, even though people change over time you'll always be my little Haru."

My eyes widen as he begins to fade. "No Itachi w-wait!" I plead, trying to get a hold of him. He disperses into a giant array of crows which fly above me in a big blue sunny sky.

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