⭐️ Character Info ⭐️

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Full name: Haru Oshiro Senju

Age: 18

Height: 5'5

Eye color: Red

Hair color: White

Village/group affiliation:
*Former leaf kunoichi
*Former Akatsuki member
*Current "missing nin"

Chakra nature: Born with Water and Earth style.

Kekkei Genkai : Wood Release, Crystal release.

Summoning animal type: Senju clan specified wolves, Oshiro specified clan Ravens.

Strengths: Is regarded as a top level Kekkei Genkai kunoichi. Has complete mastery in her sensory skills, her strongest suit as a kunoichi. Can also regenerate naturally, a trait she inherited from her great grand-uncle Hashirama Senju. She has the advantage at both long and short range fights.

Weaknesses: Although very above average, her weakest route is Taijutsu, and uses Taijutsu as a last resort.

Likes: Dango and getting her nails done! (You'll never catch her with no manicure) ♡

Dislikes: Is petrified of needles, also hates spiders although her old friend deidara helped her a bit with the fear!

Living family members:
-Tsunade Senju (second cousins)
-Shinji Oshiro (Half brother)
-Katsuro Uchiha (Son)

Love interest: Sasuke Uchiha

Closest friend: Was Deidara, is now between Sasuke and Shinji.

Fun fact: the longest Haru has been asleep at a time interrupted was 26 hours.

What Haru currently looks like: (War Arc!)

What Haru currently looks like: (War Arc!)

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